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Sunrise was reading some old books you were wonder what type there are "What are you reading?" you asked sunrise stopped reading and said "Reading about dark spirit but I couldn't find anything about darkness life so far we beat her in one small battle and it looks like she going to come again but going for the kill." You looked at the window seeing the clouds a little purple fog there wasn't much time. Sunrise looked at the window and soon grab her sword "Looks like we have some fighting on are way." You nodded and open the door soon found genos saying "Did you saw the clouds." "Yes." You answered walking past genos seeing the sky. The clouds were getting bigger and the ground started to shake soon you spotted darkness life in a top of a tower doing spells making monsters rising from the dark. "Do you know who I am?" She yelled through the city "I'm the ruler of all monsters who lurk in the shadows finding a way to bring darkness back to the world of light the light has die and now the dark has risen." She made explosion and soon started getting energy from the storm. People started to panic that they soon started to evacuate the city quickly.

You were about to go to the tower but soon monster arrive in a middle of nowhere and started attacking. You use your rock powers to pull them out and hit them at the monster. Sunrise turn into a bird and looked at the sky you heard sunrise voice "found a path that leads to darkness life follow me." sunrise fly ahead you and genos started running to follow her. There was monsters ahead so you and genos had to battle them ahead but soon more and more monsters arrive soon you both were block in every path filled with monsters "Y/n." genos said taking your hand "Were doing this together!" you looked and smile "Right!" you said and both of you started battling. Sunrise started to fly high seeing what farther in the path but found a clue in darkness life. You and genos both heard sunrise voice saying "Darkness have a glowing stone that's look like her heart if you break it its game over." You use your lighting blast to knock out some monster. You took a deep breath 'we can't do this forever soon we'll turn exhausted' you didn't realized that a monster was about to attack you behind you. You turn around and didn't have the time to think what you should do. Genos ran toward you and use his blast to knock off the monster.

Sunrise came down turning to her normal self and asked to both of you "Are you alright." Both of you nodded sunrise looked up at the tower saying "How are we going to get close to darkness life if we can't past these monsters." Genos looked down thinking for a while and soon blasted a monster "Go." He said looking at you. You looked at him confuse "What?" "I said go," Genos said "Get close to darkness finish her I'll stay here and blast many monsters I can." You looked at him for a while but nodded and looked at sunrise "Let's go." You said sunrise nodded and transform into a bird again. "Y/n..." genos said you looked at him "Don't go dying on me and also don't give up peace." You nodded. You ran to follow her sunrise lean down toward asking "Do you think he's going to be okay?" you thought for a moment and nodded "I'm sure he's going be okay since no one can beat my genos."

*Meanwhile with genos*

Genos kept blasting monsters but soon more and more keep coming. "This like a nightmare!" genos yelled and kept continuing what he's doing 'well of course it is...' a voice said genos looked around seeing who it is. The monsters stopped attacking instead staying still soon purple fog spread everywhere turning into darkness life. "Well who do you know who it is?" said darkness life "its y/n little love genos." Genos growl "What do you want." Getting ready in attack mode. Darkness life sigh "Well how about I still some power from you or would you pick to be full time evil choose wisely." Genos looked at her with serious eye "I rather died then join you with your dark crew I would never abandon y/n." she sigh "Fine you if that you want." As she walked away until stopped saying to the monster "Oh yeah you can kill him now he's useless." Soon the monsters started attacking again.

Genos blasted the monsters until he felt someone grabbing his leg he fell the monster started to surround him. He got up and blasted again but there were closer soon all the monster he sees were gone until a monster was right behind him and grabbed him. Genos growl struggling to get out but the monster kept crushing him soon he would be gone. Darkness smiled and laughed "Anyone who gets in my way WILL DIE!" as she looked at y/n.

So what would happen? Will you stop darknesslife? Will genos survive? Will I ever get a banana split Sunday?! To becontinue...

whoo hoo! my favorite 

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