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You fell down seeing genos in the evil force field "GENOS!" you yelled darkness life sigh in disappointment saying "I was hoping someone strong but will do." Soon energy of light was surrounded with dark fog "We'll you see all I have to do is get your light using my dark powers and soon your light would turn dark making who you are evil." She said laughing genos yelled in pain "I-I can... feel it... surrounding... me." He said you were worried saying "Genos hang on!" you looked around seeing darkness life having lighting beam which was a purple color 'That must be the heart' you said in your thoughts "Let him go darkness life!" you yelled getting darkness life attention "Oh in what occasion?" she said looking at you with her dark purple eyes. You look down holding your fist "I'll...I'll join you." She smile saying "Very well..." as she let go of genos, you ran to him saying "Genos, it's okay, you're going to be alright." He got up having a hand in your shoulder saying "Y/n...don't do it." You looked at him and said "I have to, to protect you." "But I promise never to leave." Genos said as he looked down having a hard time to let you go.

You lift his head saying "Hey...it'll be all right." "Oh give me a break." Darkness life said lifting you up taking you in an evil force field "You think I would join you even my light has turn darkness." You said looking at her with serious eyes she chuckled saying "Oh I'm not going let you join or have your powers... this is revenge." Soon fog surround you, you started coughing saying "What are you doing?" "DO YOU THINK I WANTED A PERSON LIKE YOU IN MY LIFE? WELL YOUR PARENTS MADE ME DISSAPEARED FOREVER, AND FOR THAT I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" she said forcing more energy in the force field. You fall down starting to get weak "Y/N!" genos yelled starting to use his blast but darkness life stopped him using a emerge fog surrounding him taking his light "Genos..." you said softly started closing your eyes "Y/n..." genos said looking at you. You started thinking 'Is it over? I guess I fail'

Soon someone yelled "Don't give up hope!" you open your eyes seeing sunrise flying using energy blasting things. She blasted darkness life which stopped what she was doing the force field broke you fall down coughing genos fall down not getting rest but ran to you saying "Are you okay?" You nodded saying "I'm fine." He sigh in relief hugging you saying "Oh thank goodness I thought I lost you." You smile hugging back saying "And I'm glad you're okay too." "We'll I'm not okay about this!" darkness life saying having a dark energy "I guess you want to be together? FINE! You'll die together." As she attack sunrise flied down turning human making a force field right in front of you as the attack die sunrise looked at you both saying "You guys know what to do right?" you and genos both nodded "Right?" she smile giving a thumbs up "Wish me good luck. She said turning to a bird swooping down in darkness life grabbing the lighting beam throwing it far away from darkness life "No!" she yelled trying to get it "Sorry darkness life it's over." Sunrise said blasting the building making the building break apart.

"We gotta go." Genos said looking down in the building "There something I need to do." You said running to get the lighting beam as you grab it darkness life yelled "Give me that!" you dropped it pressing it in your foot crushing it saying "This is what you did to my parents." As tiny pieces break "No!" she yelled screaming "This is what you did to me!" you said crushing it darkness growl "This is what you did to my sister!" you said crushing it harder she groan "STOP IT!" "This is what you did to genos." Crushing it harder than ever "You'll die." She said about to kill you. You throw it up in the air saying "And this is for you..." as you use your lighting blast shedding it to pieces. "NOOOO!!!" darkness life yelled started fading "Y/n hang on tight." Genos said holding you bridal style flying down and landed safely. Sunrise came down saying "You two okay?" genos let go of you soon said "Yeah but please don't let us in danger." She nodded and hugged you saying "You... did it y/n." genos smiled saying "You really did it y/n." you looked at the ruin building wondering what happen to darkness life. You looked at genos and sunrise smiling saying "Guys... let's go home."

 plasmagica have a nice music XD so cute 

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