Chapter 2

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My alarm went off. I slapped my hand to turn it off. I did not feel good today. I layed in bed for a little but found that I couldn't go back to bed. I sat up and looked st my purple painted room. I grabbed my phone and went on it. I opened up instagram. I scrolled through.

I yawned and turned it off. I geuss I could try going to school today. I hopped off my bed and pulled out a plain dress. I put it in and put a plaid cover up around my waist. I did my hair then I sat down at my mirror. I applied on some makeup. 💄. I finished up.

I walked in to school. I got greeted by a lot of people. There he was. Jarod. He's so cute and everyone likes him. But me? I'm not popular. I try to be. I try to dress cute and put on good makeup but it always fails. I'm a nobody. What he was walking my way?? Crap act natural. I leaned against a wall trying to look cool. "Hey." He said. This was perfect even though I feel awful.

"Hey." I said back trying to be cool.

"It's jess right?" He asked

"Yeah." I smiled. Uh oh. I knew I didn't feel good today but I didn't know I felt this ways. It rises up my throat. Crap. BLAHG. I vomited all over him. I covered my mouth. He looked at me in disgust.
"Are you serious?!?!" He said


"No forget it. Your so disgusting." He said. With that he walked away. Well I blew it. Everything they said about me was true.

I was just a loser, disgusting and everything else. I started to cry.
I walked down to the office and told them I didn't feel good.

I hopped in the car. "Hey sweetie" my mom saidI just sat there. "What's wrong?" She asked

"I just don't feel good." I said.
She sighed. " are you sure?" She asked

"Yes I'm fine."

We arrived home. I went to my room and checked my phone. I sat down on my bed. I had gotten a bunch of texts from Jarod and his friends. Uhg
'Hey. This is Jarod's best friend. Just wanted to say that- oh wait your the one who puked. Eww your so disgusting.' A text said. I checked a different one.

'This is john and just wanted to say that Jarod actually has standards so I don't know why your so creepily obsessed with him but he's looking for more than you.' A different one said.

I went onto Instagram. In Saw new comments

/comment from: Jarod101togood/ clicked on it. It was to one of my selfies I had taken earlier. (Media) it was with a Halloween makeup i was Trying out for next year. I loved doing makeup.
'Ew. #ugly get a life' it read. I felt a tear drip down my face.
I looked a another notification.

/comment from: John_beast_mode1932/
I clicked on it.
This one was too a different photo this one was just one I took with a Snapchat filter.

 This one was too a different photo this one was just one I took with a Snapchat filter

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'Uglyyyy. Post good stuff not gross.'

It said

I turned off my phone. I couldn't take it.
I layed down.. I sighed . They didn't mean it they probably were just mad.. soon enough I fell asleep.
Woke up. Felt better. Wish I did t but you know.

I got ready and left. I walked into the school doors to see Jarod and his friends. Great. I walked past them to get to my locker. Mark stuck his foot out to trip. To bad I'm to smart for them. I stopped as he put out his foot then punched him in the face. Why did I punch him? Maybe cause  stressed.
"What the heck!?" Mark hollered
I didn't really care I just walked away.

I sat at my desk. I Hated school.

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