Chapter 12

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Jess' POV

I yelled "Help! Help! Help!" It was no use eco's mocked me with my weak cry for help. I couldn't believe it, me taken. I was in a dark room probably in an unfinished basement due to the smell of the rotten egg, mold, and rotten copper smell. Was this my life, I was naked on on cold bed that was stiff. Then I heard foot steps come down a creaky staircase.

Step after step I was shaking "Hello." A deep gruff voice said. The door open and a flashlight showed in the room.

"Why did you bring me here?" I asked.

"Oh Ellie don't you know?" He asked I was confused.

"Ellie who's Ellie?" I asked.

"Don't play games!" He hit a nearby table.

"I d-don't know who your talking about." I stuttered I was so scared.

"Ok if you want to keep playing games we can play games to." He said.

"What do you mean we?" I asked.

"Me and my partner, he will be down in a minute." He told me.

"Why did you bring me here?" I demanded.

"You'll find out sooner or later." He said.

Knock knock knock. Three knocks at the door and then it opened. "Sorry I didn't want to invade your privacy." The man said and laughed.

"It's to late for that." I muttered.

"What did you say." I first man said.

"Nothing." I replied.

"Whatever." The second man said and sat down in a nearby chair.

"Ok the game is going to be very fun, me and my partner are goin-"

"My partner and I. That's the correct grammar." I interrupted.

"Oh shut up were not in school. any way ME AND my partner are going to ask you a series of different questions of different subjects, if you get one right you get extra time to be alone, if you get one wrong me and my partner are going to take turns sexually touching you." I cringed.

"Fine shoot." I said.

"Ok we'll start easy. What's the capital of Michigan?"

"Easy, Lansing." I said.

"Ok what's the volume of a cube with the length of 4 inches?" The second man said.

"64 cubic inches." I said.

"Ok smart one what's the capital of Rhode Island?" The tall man said.

I had to prepare my self I had no idea. I have an A- in history. "I have no idea." I said and closed my eyes.

"Me!" The tall man said and he walked closer. Then I felt a cupped hand under my breast and move up. I cringed. "Best day of my life." He laughed and walked away.

"Now we'll go harder on you." The second man said.

"What's the name of the make-up product used to cover up pimples or dark circles?" The tall man said.

"Concealer." I said as fast as I could.

"Right. Now what is the square root of 9?" The smaller man said.

"3."I said.

"Right again there's no fooling miss smartie." The tall man said. "Ok all the questions are done for today we'll come back sometime tonight to give you food." I nodded then they left slamming the door.

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