Chapter 9

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Ellie POV

"Will you go to prom with me?" Jarod asked me, I was so shocked he held up two tickets that said prom on them.

"S-sure." I stuttered I was so surprised.

"Great I have a cute girlfriend and a date to prom life is good." He said we chuckled.

Knock knock, "Come in." I said.

"What are you guys doing in here?" My mom opened the door.

"Um well I just got asked to prom." I told her.

"Wow that's great." She said. "Do you guys want some ice cream?"

"Sure what kind?" I asked.

"Chocolate." She said.

"That sounds great." Jarod said.

"We have whipped cream to." My mom said.

"Ok. Let's go." I said.


After we ate ice cream it was time for Jarod to drive home. He walked me out in the porch. "I had a great time." He told me.

"Me to." I said.

"Look at me." Jarod commanded.

"What?" I asked.

He brought me closer BAM his lips touched mine, my first kiss it lasted about ten seconds before it felt right to break away. "Wow."

"Your a great kisser." He told me.

"I know." I giggled. "Jarod can I ask you a question?" I asked.

"Sure go for it." He said.

"Um can you take down that Jess haters page on Instagram? Please." I asked.

"Sure I realize it was super mean to post that stuff about her." He said.

"Thank you." I said.

"I have to go I'll see you tomorrow." He said.

"Bye see you when to you want to pick me up?" I asked.

"I'll text you." He said and he got in his car.


"Do you want a present?" My mom asked.

"Sure." She pulled a rectangular present I opened it.

"Oh my gosh a laptop a Mac book pro thank you so much mom." I said.

"Your welcome hope you enjoy it you should go get to bed." She said.

"Night." I said.

"Night love you." He said.

"Love you." I said and ran up stairs with my laptop, to bad dad couldn't be here. I put my laptop on my desk and went to brush my teeth, I heard my mom walk up stairs she was probably going to bed. After I brushed my teeth I brushed out my hair, then I went to my room, I went to get my laptop but it wasn't there so I went to go ask my mo. If he took it. "Mom." I went to her room.

"What?" I heard her say from downstairs.

"Did you take my laptop?" I said.

"No, you probably misplaced it." She said. "Go to bed."

"Ok love you." After that I went to my room and went to bed.

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