Chapter 5

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Ellie's POV

"Hey." I said to Jarod, he greeted me as I walked into school.

"Hey can I ask you that question now?" He asked.

"Sure, what is it?" I asked eager to know what he had to asked me.

"Um could we I mean um could you we would you go out with me?" He let out a giant breath of air.

"Um sure, yeah of corse." I said back.

"Great I'm glad." He said

The one minute bell rang and I ran to class with a big smile on my face. Math was over and a met Leah at my locker "guess what."

"What?" She said back.

"I'm going out with Jarod." I told her.

"That's cool i have to go, bye." She ran off before I could say good bye.


I got done with school and went on Twitter there was a tweet from Jarod

@ Jarods_twitter_isbetterthanyours2

'Hey guys it me Jarod and i want to announce that I have a new girlfriend, @ Ellie_masternack

Then I went on Instagram

@ Jarod_ cool_guy commented on one of my photos

'Beautiful' that one happened after school.

Then my phone rang "hello?" I answered.

"Hey what's up." It was Jarod.

"Nothing much you?" I asked.

"No, wanna come over?" He asked I debated then said, "Sure text me your address." He hung up and a felt a buzz, I saw his address and asked my dad if I could go, he said yes.

I called him to tell him he news and drove over there I was almost sixteen so my dad let me drive.

I arrived to a mansion, it was a beautiful house Jarod greeted me at the door, "Hey, you look amazing." He told me.

"Oh thanks." I said back.

"Follow me." He told me.

"Ok, were are we going?" I asked.

"My room." He replied.

"W-why." I said.

"I need to show you something." He told me.

"What?" I stopped walking a minute. Then started again.

"Just follow me." We made it to his room it was huge.

"Wow this is beautiful." I said.

"Not as much as you." He said back.

The room had an amazing view of there huge lake size pool. "Thanks."

"Sit down." he patted the seat next to him.

"Ok." I sat down.

"Have you ever kissed someone before?" Just like in my dream before I could answer her kissed me, I pulled away as fast as I could we had only been dating for a day.

"What the heck!" I yelled.

"What , don't you like me?"  He asked.

"Yeah but we've only been dating for one day." I calmed down.

"Ohhhhhh ok so you not supposed to kiss someone the first day you go out with them?" He asked.

"Exactly!" I said.

"Well can I at least give you kisses on the cheek?" He asked.

"No, only I can do that." I laughed.

"Oh fine." He said.

"Sorry I couldn't stay long but I have to go home." I lied it was really awkward sitting there.

"Ok." He said. "Bye."

"Bye." He lead me to the door and I drove home.

Why did he really try and kiss me? I thought while I drive home the same car was following me the whole time i drove home I entered the neighborhood and the car was still following me so I didn't go to my house I pulled in to my best friends house got the key that was under the welcome mat and let my self in she was on vacation so I let my self in and waited the person pulled on to her neighbors driveway and got out it was night time so I couldn't see their face but they were coming towards her house as they got closer I ran to the back patio.

They went to the front door the knock was intense I ran to my house it was a block away I ran as fast as I could. I made I also made sure they weren't following me they weren't I rushed inside, "DAD!" I yelled throughout the house.

"What,what happened!" My dad rushed down our stairs.

"A m-man followed me home from jarods." I started to cry.

"Ok where's your car?" He asked me.

"I went to Harley's house." I told him. "I drove there because they followed me when I left Jarods house."

"Ok why don't you go get ready for bed you have a big day tomorrow." He told me I wanted to tell him no but he was right I was really tired. Tomorrow was a big day to. "Dose that sound good?" He asked.

I snapped out of my thought. "Um yeah I'll go take a shower then get in bed." I kissed him on the cheek and said night then went to go take a shower.

I was done I got pajamas on, grabbed my laptop and phone and hopped in bed. I heated a knock at my door "come in." I said.

"Hi sweetie." My mom said to me.

"Hey mom." I said back.

"I heard what happened." She said softly to me.

"Yeah I'm ok, can we go get my car tomorrow?" I asked.

"Sure, you have a big day you better get our rest love you night." She said.

"Love you to good night." I said and she left.

Right as she left I opened my laptop and pull up our cities name tuvexville it was a strange name but ok who gonna judge right. Turvexville crime rates, i had to know if we had a high crime rate, 0% we haven't had any crimes. I was confused I finished looking and got board so I went in YouTube and looked up house tours I was so board it was fun though Chloecotour , Ellie and Jared, and rclbeaty101 I was so board so I decided to close my laptop and put it on the charger and my phone as I laid in my bed I thought about what happened I finally fell asleep.

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