Chapter 16

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Jess pov
This is before they meet each other and when they meet each other in this part I will skip it and go to the next part we will still go ever other POVs but when there together there interactions will happen on each other's POV and will will not recreate it so it stays interesting./lilybug04282004

What did I do? I was so scared. At least they knew my name...... I was starting to get really cold from not having anything on.

"HELP!!" I called out. My painful cry for help was no use. No one was here. I wanted to go home. I wanted to just be free, I don't know how long I've been here but I need to get out. But I had already attempted to escape.

I started crying.

"Help.." I cried. I wasn't loud. I was faint.

I started to think I wouldn't of ever escape.

But that echo. That stupid Echo. Uhg.
I felt like someone was calling through the echo.

"Hello?" I asked excepting.

"Hello." I girls voice said.

This is where that meet so the story will continue to the next part.

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