Chapter 13

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Ellie's POV

"Help! Help! Help." I yelled. Eco's filled the room. Help help help. No one could hear me. I was in a basement it smelled of rotten eggs, mold, and rotten copper. Right then and there Heard foot steps coming down creaky stairs. "W-who is there?" I stuttered.

"Your worst nightmare." A gruff voice said.

"Why did you take me?" I asked.

"Because you have something I want." He scowled

"What, what is it that you want?!?" I cried

"You will find out soon enough!" He boomed.

This made me cry even more. "Well every thing I have right now is nothing so, yeah." I told him.

"No you have a nice body." He said, I cringed.

It was silent, the I heard more foot steps then a sweet voice. "Bryan dinners ready come up as soon as possible, you really should get out more those games aren't good for your eyes."  She said.

"I'll be up in a minute mom." Bryan said.

I bursted out laughing "ha ha ha you still live with your mom. Ha ha ha." I laughed.

He smacked me in my face. "That's enough." He left the room and I was left with my thoughts.

"What service." I said as he left.

Then he walked up stairs. Then it hit me, his mom doesn't know I'm down here so I could maybe get her attention, yeah that's a good idea. I smiled. Then I sat up, impossible there was a strap to my chest, It fell down to my lap but my hands were still tied by zip ties, but on I video I saw a girl saw hers off so I tried and I succeed yes the I undid the second strap I was free then I ran out and down a long hallway and opened a door and hid in a corner.

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