Chapter 6

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Jess pov

Today's my birthday. I've lost the friends that I had since the incedent. I've been thinking of talking To Ellie. But one problem.... she's Jarod's girlfriend. She seems like a nice person but I thought Jarod was nice so yeah. I crawled out of my bed

I walked sleepily down the stairs. I felt like going back to bed. I peeked around the corner. My mom was on the phone. She looked almost sad. She talked quietly with whoever was on the other line. I listened

"I'm sorry who did this?" She asked
After a while.
"What's the last name?" She asked
"Ok.. you have it under control. Then?" She said
"Ok ok. I'm gonna keep her home today." She said

Wait was this about me. She turned around still on the phone. I quickly leaned back around the corner. She didn't seem to notice.
"Ok well have a nice day. She said and clicked a button. She set the phone down.
"Hey mom." I said coming around the corner. I pretended like i had just gotten up.
"Hey sweetie there's no school today." She mentioned.
"Oh ok." I said wondering if she even
remembered my birthday.
"OH!! Yeah happy birthday" she said
"Thanks. I'm gonna go back to sleep" I said
She nodded and I headed up. I wasn't going back to sleep I was gonna play in my laptop

I turned it on and checked twitter. Jarod's account was probably taken down. But a new account was up
/account: Jess_haters/ it said. That's the best name Jarod could have come up with?
I clicked on it. A bunch of my photos were on it including this one.

I always thought that one was cute! Guess notThe captions said

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I always thought that one was cute! Guess not
The captions said

/:Ewww. No wonder she has no friends. Srsly tho. Where is the ugly list? We need it like now!:/

Uhg. A lot more said that until I can across one in particular. It wasn't the photo... it was the caption.

/: ewww. #1uglylist. Comment below if you wouldn't even miss her if she died!:/

I looked down to see how many comments there was. Over 300 comments. That's impossible this was a new account there's no way. I scrolled up to see how many followers a there was 1,456 the numbers kept going up 1,893 it kept on going. I went to a huge school there was about 3,000 people there and over half of them were on this account. I wen back down to the picture

There was now over 1,000 comments. I started to cry. I could hear dings from my account. People were messaging me. I was crying now.
I checked my messages 517 new messages.
I went through them. The first one said.
/: go kill your self.:/ is said I checked through more
Most of them said that. There was one from /:Ellie101:/ I wouldn't be surprised if she stood with her boyfriend.

/: don't listen to them. But also don't tell anyone I said this because then they would hate me. Just know that you are so special and never give up. Don't listen to them. 🙂:/

I checked through more. I sighed. Then maybe I thought.  Maybe maybe. Maybe I would be better off dead. I started crying.

I went downstairs after drying off my eyes. I put on a fake smile as I walked to see a birthday stack of pancakes.  

The thoughts continued to race in my head......
"I'm not that hungry but thanks Mom." I said
"Oh ok." She said "you look a little tired. Maybe you should get some rest." She smiled
"Ok." I said. I walked back up to my room.

The thoughts continued. I couldn't take it.
A knife. I saw a knife I had left up here the other day when I was eating in here. I grabbed it off my desk. What I was about to do I never knew I was cabable of.

I started crying as I placed the knife to the skin of my wrist. I sliced. It tested through a small layer of skin. I did this until I had about 5 cuts on my arm. I cried.

It wasn't long until this 'routine' turned daily.

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