The Conversation Pt 2

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Grillby had waved to the group of three, signalling that the studio was unlocked due to a junior ballet class that had just ended.

The group of three entered the studio and set up their gear.

"So Papyrus is going to watch?" Frisk asked, shifting on her feet nervously.

"yeah if you don't mind. he might be able to help us out," Sans confirmed.

Frisk glanced at the taller skeleton and smiled, "Okay then... I don't mind. Papyrus is pretty cool."

Sans winked at her a massive grin on his face, "the coolest."

Papyrus, who had been setting up the speakers, walked over having noticed the two talking quietly amongst themselves, "WHAT WERE YOU TWO TALKING ABOUT SO QUIETLY OVER HERE?"

"tibia honest with ya bro, frisk and i were talking about how cool you are," Sans said winking at Frisk.


"If it was i'd have to say it was rather humerous," Sans smirked.

Frisk stifled a giggle, "A real rib-tickler, Sans."

Both Frisk and Sans burst out in laughter, tears streaming down their faces. Papyrus groaned, throwing his hands up in a huff.

"sorry bro, couldn't help myself," Sans said.

Papyrus glared at him before rolling his eye sockets, "I WILL FORGIVE YOU THIS TIME BROTHER."

Sans chuckled and held a hand out to Frisk, who in her laughter had fallen to the ground, "Need a hand?"

Frisk giggled and took his hand. She was surprised how soft it felt. 'Perhaps soft is the wrong word... more like smooth,'  She mused. 'They are quiet nice hands.'  (seriously frisk hand fetish much -_-' )

A cough brought her from her thoughts and with a start she realized she was still holding Sans's hand. Feeling her cheeks heat up she instantly let go of his hand and hid behind her hair.

Sans turned his own face away from Frisk in an attempt to hide the blue tinge on his face. 'Why do i keep feeling like this? I've only known the girl for  a couple of days!'

Papyrus, apparently oblivious to the interaction between the two, clapped his hands, "HURRY UP YOU TWO."

Sans turned away from the human and walked towards the center of the room. Frisk followed closely behind and took her own position beside the skeleton.

The music began and Frisk moved gracefully with purpose, beside Sans began slowly moving to the beat. As the song picked up and became faster Sans moved quicker letting the beat move him while trying to remain aware of Frisk beside him. Frisk moved matching the beat whenever needed but did not lose the grace in her moves. Finally the song ended and both looked expectantly at Papyrus.

Papyrus seemed to be thinking to himself when he shook his head, "IT NEEDS A LOT OF WORK. FIRSTLY YOU BOTH MOVE AS THOUGH YOU ARE DANCING ALONE."

Sans sighed, "i thought so too bro, but i don't know how to fix it."

Papyrus seemed to be debating with himself internally before perking up. "I HAVE IT! YOU BOTH NEED TO THINK OF THE OTHER AS AN ACTUAL PERSON!"

Sans and Frisk looked at each other, both puzzled by Papyrus's meaning. Noticing both of their faces Papyrus sighed, "SANS, TELL ME WHAT IS FRISK'S FAVOURITE COLOUR?"

"i don't know... i mean i never asked her," Sans told him, still unsure of Papyrus's point.

Papyrus turned his gaze upon Frisk, "HUMAN, WHAT IS SANS'S DAY JOB... OR AT LEAST ONE OF THEM?"

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