Love Is In The Air

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Anna's P.O.V.

I felt nauseated when I made the climb up those stairs.  Face red and trembling, as I tried to hold in the fact that I wanted to tear out my hair and cry, I collapsed into my room in Hans' house, and lay on my bed for about two minutes, very still.  My hands searched for my overnight bag I had lying on the floor from the hospital.  I found my phone and clumsily, using one hand, texted Rapunzel.  I begged for her to come get me and she said she was at the mall and would be there in twenty minutes.  I hung my bag over my good shoulder and cautiously slid down the stairs on my bottom.  I saw spots before my eyes, but continued walking to the front door.  "Anna!" Elsa pleaded, "Don't go!"

"And stay with someone who's still mad at me?" I cried, "Goodbye, Elsa."  I slammed the front door.  Then, it was just me and the forces of nature.  I moved slowly to the end of the street and sat on the curb, huddled in a small ball due to the wind.  I grabbed my hoodie out of my bag and I awkwardly draped it over myself.  I sat there, shaking in the cold, feeling only blame for myself.  Elsa didn't forgive me, and why should she?  I called her many awful, terrible things, and didn't apologize for it.  Was I ever going to mend the hole I caused with my sister?

"Well, there's a sight that I wouldn't normally see."  I glanced up and did a double take as I saw a man.

Scratch that.  No, the man.

Merida's P.O.V.

"I'm serious, the Hunger Games is much better than the Maze Runner!" I protested, whacking Hiccup in the face with a pillow. 

"No, Thomas has good character ark."

"And Katniss doesn't?"

"No, she does.  It's just not as good as Thomas'."

"Pfft!" I stuck my tongue out at him, "Says you!"

We were sitting in the ever so familiar hotel room, lying on the same bed, trying to find a suitable movie to watch on the hotel's rent-a-movie selection.  Despite the fact that being in New York is all around awesome, I began craving the sights and scenes back at home.  My bedroom, the cafe right around the corner from my house, even my high school.  We were all trying to forget what happened to Anna, how Elsa let her stay with her, but we couldn't.  Who is this new girl that has replaced our old Elsa?  Jack came home bitterly the other night, ranting and raving that if Anna had never gotten injured that Elsa would never had let Anna live with her.  Jack is still out, sulking about it.  I feel like there's something else going on, but I have yet to discover it.  Anyway, my thoughts switched back to present day as Hiccup swatted a pillow in my face playfully and I sprang up into a crouched position.  "Oh, it is on!" I yelled and let out a loose shriek as I laughed and grabbed my pillow.  We stood up on the bed and clubbed at each other, laughing and giggling.  I like play fighting like this, no one gets hurt and everyone has fun. Suddenly, Hiccup leaned back a little too far and he started falling back onto the bed.  "Hiccup!" I screeched, not laughing anymore.  I didn't want to see another one of my friends get hurt!  Instead, he yanked at my leg and I fell on top of him.  As we landed he started laughing and eventually I joined in, but I was still pretending to be mad.  "You had me so worried!" I cried, slapping him lightly in the cheek.

"I had you completely fooled!" Hiccup said, and fell into another bout of laughter.

I started laughing too.  It felt good to be so close to him, having so much fun in a dire situation.  My mother used to say to me, "Men can be troublesome, but they can also be the joy of your life."  It was true.  As our laughter died down we both sighed and gazed into each other's eyes.  "It's just me and you." Hiccup whispered, tucking a piece of my red curls behind my ear.

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