The Aftermath Part One- Rapunzel

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Rapuznel's P.O.V.

Everything was happening so fast!  I didn't know how to handle it!  I was with Malificent at the van we came in, when Anna came staggering out.  I thought that was a sign of hope, that the fight was ending soon, but no...  We waited anxiously in the van, not knowing what to do next.  Suddenly, tons of police cars showed up, red and blue lights filled the air, and all I could hear were sirens.  A police officer tapped on our window of the van and asked us to come out, and answer some questions.  When he saw Malificent, a scowl formed over his already grumpy face and he handcuffed her.  I protested with, "No!  It's all a misunderstanding!"  

However, Malificent looked at me, tears shining on her face underneath the moonlight, and whispered, "It's okay, I'm okay."

I was brought over to the nearest police station.  They asked me questions. That's when I asked them if I could ask mine.  I just needed to know if my friends were okay.  The officers just kept saying that everything was going to be fine.  

But nothing was fine.  Nothing at all.

The next day I went to see my mom and dad again.  Mom was still in a coma, but I thought Dad could comfort me.  I talked about Malificent, saying how she was threatened and beaten and how Pitch killed her family, and Dad just nodded.  He said, "At her hearing you must say all of this.  Make sure this girl doesn't go to prison for a crime of which she didn't have any choice in."  At that moment, a whole bunch of nurses and doctors made a mad dash somewhere.  A few moments later, a nurse entered and said, "Arianna Gold has woken up from her coma."

Mom's going to get better, I am sure of it, that was my first thought after the good news. I ran to her room, tears of joy springing into my eyes, and the first thing she said when she saw me enter was, "My sweet, sweet daughter."  I came and hugged her, crying.  She cried and hugged back.  I told her everything that she missed and she set her jaw straight and her eyes flashed when I came to Malificent, like how she was when I was bullied on the schoolyard.  Mom said, "You must speak out at the hearing.  This girl needs all the help she can get."

I went back to the tower and saw Elsa packing her bags, tears pouring down her face.  I tried talking, but I couldn't get a single word out of her.  I tried to tell her my good news, and ask about her and Jack, but she didn't listen.  Instead, she threw her bags into a car she had outside, and drove away.  It was the saddest thing, to see Elsa leave, but that's how she copes with stress.    Leaves.  I later found out that her record deal for her first album made a huge amount of money, and she was invited to go on a world tour.  However, Elsa got the news two weeks ago and didn't bother to tell anybody.  It was as if she staged this perfectly so she could vanish without a trace.  Pitch and Hans were being transferred to a prison as soon as possible, Elsa's work all finished.  I was told Jack had been stabbed as well, and that was probably grieving Elsa- enough to make her run off in all her stress.  I just keep seeing, over and over again, how she left.  Dad told me that this time we should just let her run.

That was the saddest time ever.

Now I'm about to begin my senior year.  My last year of high school.  It's been one month since we defeated Pitch and Hans in that warehouse and Elsa is still missing, but recent reports have said that her world tour was a big success and she is making another album just like that.  I listen to her songs over and over again, just to hear her voice.  Pitch and Hans' hearings were over so fast and they were immediately transferred to a maximum security prison.  I was glad to see them go, it was as if a huge weight had been lifted off my shoulders.  I spoke out at Malificent's hearing, and the judge actually said that she was not guilty!  However, with her family being dead he wanted her to go into foster care.  That's when my parents made the bold decision to adopt Malificent.  She now lives with us and we've grown really close, she's like the sister I've always wanted.  Things are looking up for Eugene and I, he transferred his medical paramedic training to New Jersey and we see each other way more often now.  It's been really fun.  Truth be told, I'm actually mostly nervous about my last year of high school, which sounds kind of stupid, but it's the truth.  I guess that means things are going back to normal.  You may be wondering about Jack, though.

Jack, well, Jack is...

A/N:  Cliffhanger!  You'll never know!  MWA HAHA!  Elsa ran away😱😱😱?!  Pitch and Hans are in jail 😉😉😉!  Malificent is now living with Rapunzel 👭👭👭!  Eugene transferred to New Jersey to be with Punzie💘💘💘!  Awwww...  I'm writing this at 7:30 in the morning because I am a dumb person and I woke up at 6:48 exact because even though I have been back from Europe for over a week now, I still wake up at weird times.  I got my high school schedule and I have English second semester!  Noooo!  How am I supposed to get good practice writing?  No!  That's okay, because I have all my electives first semester and the two of Ther "harder subjects", math and science.  Everything else is all "easy" in the second semester, according to my mother.  I don't know, geography is not my strong suit 😁.  To any of you Wattpadians who are reading this, put down in the comments below if you have any good advice for me.  Sorry for the shorter chappie, but it's just Rapunzel so bye!


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