A Crutch to Lean On

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Elsa's P.O.V.

I was about to leave the ball when Jack caught my arm.  "Stop doing that!" I cried, ignoring those pitiful looks he gave me.

"C'mon Elsa, step one to letting us make up with you:  Come home with us."

"Can't." I responded, shaking him off.


"My stuff is with Hans!  I have to get it!"

"F-fine." Jack looked defeated as I smiled proudly.  "You can get your stuff, but promise to come back here when you have it.  You know what, here.  I'll put a GPS mode on your phone."  Jack grabbed my phone before I could stop him and started fiddling around with stuff.

"Hey!  Stop that!" I cried, snatching at it.  He handed it back to me politely.  "Here.  Now I can see where you're going.  So, if you try to leave, then I can find you.  The Elsa I know doesn't run."

Geez.  What was I?  His dog?  I.  Don't.  Need.  To.  Be.  Watched.  "I can just disable it, you know." I said, rolling my eyes.

"Yeah, but I trust you not to." Jack bore his eyes straight into my soil, and gave me that pouty look.  I sighed in frustration and stormed off to the limo that would take me to the hotel.  "Trust me not to?  As soon as I leave and agree to to this deal, they automatically start tracking me like a criminal!  Why?" I muttered to myself as I tried to get every poof of my dress inside the car.  When I arrived at Shining Waters Hotel, I went got changed in a private room with many workers helping me, and I shimmied on grey skinny jeggings, tan boots with fringe, a plaid long sleeved shirt that was turquoise, and a grey leather jacket.  I washed off my makeup and put on some new maroon lipstick and eye liner.  I did my hair in a french braid and I made my way upstairs, to my hotel room.

I prepared my speech all the way up the stairs.  I chose stairs because they would take longer and I would be away from the world.  I made arrangements to stay at another hotel which is partnered with the people who own Shining Waters, but this one was called Northern Breeze.  Massive amounts money from my songs was starting to roll in, so that was good. Anyway, my speech to Hans would be like this:  "Hans, I would like to keep the stuff we bought for I have literally nothing else.  I will send you a pay check of twenty five thousand dollars tomorrow for everything I got with my time with you, if you would like that."

However, as I got up to the hotel room, I saw my suitcases with all my clothes I brought out on the floor.  A letter scribbled on a sticky note was stuck to the biggest one.  I picked up the note and read:

You can keep your things, no charge.  The rest will be sent to your hotel tomorrow morning.  Northern Breeze, I believe a worker said.  I don't care, I have enough money.  You better take the stuff otherwise I won't be happy.  Besides, I still love you even though you don't love me. You are the only one I love, but you didn't let me say that to your face, so yeah.  I guess we are broken up now.  I will see ya around.


I stifled a sob and crumpled the note angrily.  "Say that to the girl you cheated on!" I hissed, grabbing my belongings.  Workers helped me wrangle five suitcases into an empty shuttle to take my stuff to Northern Breeze.  I hopped in and we drove off, fast in the night.  I was nodding on and off, this had been a long night, when my phone started beeping like crazy.  I turned it on and a voice that sounded like Siri's kept repeating, "Go back to Jack!  Go back to Jack!"

Note to self:  Never let Jack have your phone.

"Agh!" I grunted, frantically trying to shut it off.  There was a passcode.  I tried one, two, three, four, and five, six, seven, eight, all the easy stuff.  Finally I got a bit more technical and typed in Jack's address.  "Five, five, seven six," I breathed, sighing of relief when the beeps and the voice stopped, "very creative, Jack."

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