The Aftermath Part Two- Hiccup

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Hiccup's P.O.V.

The police were immediately called that night, by Flynn or someone.  Merida at that point burst into tears.  I tried comforting her as best as I could at the time, it was no use, however.

All of these events have given my girlfriend serious depression.

Merida is more distant these days, less chatty and happy, filled with that fiery temper.  She's more distant, sad, longing for things to be better.  But, I'm still searching.  I bet the old Merida is in there somewhere.  With Jack...  Um, let's not talk about that, Eugene and Kristoff have been real bros and they even invited me to crash at their place in New Jersey, when they started coming here for paramedic training.  We laugh and fistfight and have plenty of movie nights, but I always feel like a ghost is haunting me.  Like someone's missing.  

Meanwhile, things have been weirder with my school friends and classmates.  A whole bunch of people, or more specifically, girls, have been flirting with me whenever they can find me.  Has station, mall, public pool, you name it!  They ask to take selfies with me and they giggle and cake so much makeup on their faces that they look like clowns.  There's this one girl, who's like a punk, named Astrid.  She smiles like a diamond whenever I say, "Hi!" or, "What's up, Astrid?"  Rapunzel claims she's crushing on me, although I have no interest is Astrid.  I want my old Mer back.

Elsa apparently got a good record deal and is going on a world tour.  She left all of us without saying goodbye.  I've been to Punzie's house and Elsa's room is barren and cold.  While everyone is feeling sad that she left, I feel a stomach-twisting anger.  Call me messed up if you want, but Elsa should have stayed!  She knew as well as I did that Jack... Jack needed her.  And he still does.  We've tried to call Elsa, but it was no use.  She wouldn't pick up.  Except for this one time I called her, when she did answer.

It was the one hundred and fifth time one of us actually called her (yes, we kept a tally).  It was my turn so I picked up my phone and dialled Elsa's number.  After a few rings someone picked up and it was Elsa.  I heard howling noises so I assumed she was somewhere windy, maybe driving in a convertible, going fast.  "Hello?" Elsa said, annoyed and exasperated, "Hiccup, why do you keep calling me?"

"Because I...we want for you to come home." I replied, as calmly as I could muster.  

"I'm on a world tour, not happening now." Elsa said cooly and I rolled my eyes.

"World tour, huh?  Why is it so that your world tour started only after-" I began, snapping.

"Don't mention Jack!" Elsa thundered.

"I feel like you planned this tour to happen when you wanted to!" I yelled back, losing my quiet disposition.  "So if something bad happened the day you went after Anna, you could run away like you always do!"

"Goodbye, Hiccup." Elsa said and hung up.

"That went smooth." Rapunzel hissed, narrowing her eyes at me.

"Yeah, real smooth." Eugene added sarcastically.

I walked away in disgust.  Didn't anyone care that I was upset?

The next day we all made up again.  We decided to just let Elsa be free of this.  Be free of us.  After all she's done, she deserves a break.  

I decided to go to Merida's house afterwords, to see how she was doing.  No one but Merida was home but Merida gave me a key to her house one day so I just walked in.  "Mer?" I called, "Merida?"

No response.

"MER?" I shouted at the top of my lungs.  

"H-hiccup...?"  I heard faint moans coming from upstairs.  My heart beat faster and my eyes widened.  "Merida?  MERIDA!" I screamed and raced up the stairs. I ran into her room, where a bunch of pictures were strewn across the floor.  I picked the first one I saw up and it was one with Merida and I laughing at each other, her pointing at me and me grinning sheepishly.  I looked at every other picture.  They were pictures involving Elsa, Jack, Kristoff, Anna, Rapunzel, Eugene, Merida, and I.  I took a left to her bathroom and tugged at the door.  It was locked.  I heard another moan and I knew she was in there.  "Merida, I need you to open the door." I ordered quickly.

"I can't." Merida managed to get out. 

"Okay, I guess I have to try." I replied and slammed my side against the door repeatedly.  Finally, I guess I loosened the lock so much it snapped and the door swung open.  

And lying on the cold, checkered tile floor, was Merida.  

Her head was turned to me and her hair was put in a messy ponytail.  She was wearing some black patterned leggings, maroon Converse, and a maroon tank-top underneath a creamy white T-shirt.  A perfectly normal outfit.  She looked okay until I saw the bloody knife my her chest-

And the cuts crawling up her arms.

"Merida!  Merida!" I cried, rushing over to her.  I carefully turned her over on my lap and cradled her head.  She lunged for the knife, but I held it out of her reach.  "Let me have it!  Let me have it!" Merida screamed at me, trying to sit up.  I was about to call the hospital, but Merida let out a loose shriek, and ran out of the house, bawling.  I chased after her.  Rain had started to pour and Merida sprinted to the end of her driveway, limping at the end, her energy draining away.  I grabbed her and she began hitting and slapping me, screaming, "No!  No!  No!"  Her sobs filled the air and eventually she fell into my arms, crying.

Will anything be right again?

A/N:  Merida tried to kill herself 😳😱😭!  Oh no!  Thank goodness for Hiccup!  Elsa ran away ON PURPOSE 😒!  Who's mad at Elsa right now or do you think she deserves a break 😐?  What happened to Jack 😕?  You'll find out in the next final chapters of my first book and yes, there will be a sequel with a happy ending, I promise.  I mean, there has to be a sequel otherwise you Jelsa girls will kidnap me and hold me at gunpoint, so yeah... 😆!  Okay, I gtg!  Bye!


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