Love In First Sight

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I was different from everyone else, I was part dragon. My mother and father both died when I was young so young that I don't even remember them. I was 13 when I started to work for Odin as a maid. He took care of me like I was his own daughter. Odin's sons Thor and Loki were always causing trouble. I only knew Thor when I was young, he always tried to flirt with me but I always roll me eyes and read in my room. Odin was giving me a tour of the castle since I will be working as a maid. He told me I could keep my room since I will be living here for a while. When we got to the main hall we bumped into Loki and one of the many guards. He was talking to Odin and saying he found him like this and clams that Thor was wanting to fight him. I rushed over to him seeing how beat up he was and dragged him into my room so I could help him. "I am going to have to talk to Thor about this." I said under my breath. "How do you know my brother Thor?" I turned around shocked that he heard me say that. "He would always try and flirt with me. I wish he could stop but no matter how many times I tell him I don't like him he just ignores me!" I was going to grab a rag when it hit me that I had magic so I walk over to him and healed up his cuts and bruises in a blink of an eye. "How? Who are you?" I turned to look at Loki never realized how cute he was. "I am Elizabeth and I was born with magic so I could just easily heal you."   

Loki The God Of Mischief/ a Loki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now