Chapter 10

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I had forgotten about the blood sample I gave Banner so we could see about me. "So remember when I let you take a sample of my blood." "Yea." "Did we ever get the results back or did we not have enough time to get the results back?" "I want to say we didn't have enough time. So you might have to let me get another sample of your blood." "Okay. Thanks I was just curious." Tony sighed and relaxed in his chair until Pepper came in. "Are you guys hurt?! Are you guys Okay?!" "Pepper calm down me and Elizabeth are ok. So just calm down and breathe." Tony said while getting up to hug her. "Elizabeth sweetheart um-" "I know. Loki is behind me, so please do not think about hurting him or doing something crazy." Tony laughed and was going to call me a name I just glare at him. "How about a game?" Natasha suggested. "Sure. How about truth or dare?" Everyone backed up all but Natasha, Thor, and Loki. "What is Truth or Dare?" "It's a fun game that some people say it is just torture." I said evilly. "Um who would I pick first? Oh I know Tony. Truth or dare?" "Dare!" "Ok then I dare you to make out with Natasha!" Tony turned bright red as his suite that he wares. They made out only for a couple of minutes and parted. "Elizabeth my daughter Truth or dare?" "Um dare." "I dare you to kiss Loki for 10 seconds." I was shocked but I did it anyway. Once we finished I felt butterflies in my stomach.  "Loki truth or dare?" "Truth." Loki had replay to Tony. "Is it true that you used to date Elizabeth and you still like her? Oh and you have to answer the question." Loki turned bright red and it was quiet for a few minutes, "Yes it's true. Me and Elizabeth used to date ever since I had meet her and Um how can I say this. I still um like her." He mumbled the last part. I was shocked when he said that since I thought he would already like someone else. "What was that Reindeer Games?" "I said I still like her." Thor was shocked and was the others. "I knew it. I was right. So you were the person that she could never say his name." "Tony please don't make me go down that path again." "Fine." Tony said sadly. "Thor! Truth or dare?" "Dare my brother. All the way." "I dare you to sing call me baby." I burst out laughing with Natasha once Thor had finished singing. Once everyone was done Tony said he wanted to show us a surprised that he wanted all of us to do. "We're here!" We all looked and found us in a karaoke place. "Why are we here Tony?" "I want us to sing especially Elizabeth since she can sing but doesn't want to admit it." "So who want to go first?" Natasha asked. Everyone looked at me smiling and begging eyes. "Fine I will go first." I sighed and looked through the book then I noticed they were all nightcore songs. I picked This is the part of me. (If you want to listen to it. It's the one on the top.) I finished the song and saw their reaction. I stepped down and waited for the next person. "Wow so you are the person that sang in the training room." Clint said.

A/N~ I was having trouble with this chapter so I want to thank Jess Winter for her help with this. You all should check her out, she is a very good writer and loves to write horror books. So thank you all for reading and be safe. So see you all later my Loki fans! Long live Loki!   

Loki The God Of Mischief/ a Loki x readerHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin