Chapter 12

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Odin stood up and walked over to me, "What happen to you Elizabeth? You used to be so happy and care free." "I changed Odin. I grew up and change everything about me. You don't know what's it like to not know how your parents are or how to deal with people scared of you." I said with hatred. I felt my evil side taking over. I closed my eyes and when I opened them I luckily took control. "Please forgive me for what my evil side might do. I can't hold her in much longer. Please forgive me." "Don't worry my love we would get you back." I smiled weakly and I screamed. My evil side wanted her turn and made it where I can't take control anymore. She took control and smiled so evilly that it made Loki shiver. "What's wrong can't deal with me? You made me this way. I should say thank you because if you didn't flirt with Natasha I would still be waiting for my time. And look Now it is my time." I smiled and easily slipped through the chains. I used my magic but nothing happened. I couldn't move, "What did you do!" "I can't let you take the one I love away and make her regrate for the rest of her life. I was nervous and Natasha was helping me flirt. So I could make her my girlfriend and I will love her and no one else. So leave her alone and let her take control!" I felt like I can fight her off, and take over again, but I know that if I did I would be very weak. So I let her take control since I had a plan, it was night and I was in jail. She walked around the jail thinking about how to escape, when Loki came down to talk with her. "What made you this way?" "What do you mean?" "Elizabeth was never evil nor had evil in her. So why did this happen to you." "I got captured by an evil organization called Hydra. They wanted me to work with them but I refused, so they did tests on me instead. They made it where I was part evil and the other part well good. I was mostly in control in tell her friends come and help her. I know how to make it where I am gone forever and she can be back to normal, but it is destroyed." "Thanks for telling me that evil Elizabeth." He said while racing out of the prison. Then I just realized that I gave him what he wanted, a way to get her back.

Loki pov:

Once she had told me that I raced out to go find Thor and Odin. They were in the library look for a way to stop the evil version of her. "I think I found a way to stop her!" "How? There is nothing in these books." "She said that a group took her and made her evil. She also told me that they made a type of mixture to make it where the good version or the evil version will go away forever." "I think Tony said that he found something and took it so he can find out what it dose." I grabbed Thor and ran to the rainbow brige. We were on Avengers tower and I spend down the stairs into the lab finding Tony in there. "Do you still have that mixture that you found?" "Yea. Why do you need it?" "The evil version of Elizabeth mention something about it being able to make one of the versions of her go away forever." Tony grabbed it and said to take him with us, so we did what he said. We arrived back at Asgard and head toward the castle, I ran over to her cell and told the guards to hold her against the wall so we can make it where she is can't fight us. "Wait if you give it to her now I would go away! So you must do it while I am in control." I found it easy to tell who was who so I told Tony I can do it. I walked over to her seeing her brown eyes again made me smile.

My pov:

I knew more about this then my evil self did. Loki could tell the different from me and the evil self of me. I braced myself waiting for her to try and fight and when she did I told Loki to do it now. He did it and I felt her go away I feel onto my knees and sighed, now knowing I am free from my evil self. "Thank you Loki. Thank you guys." Loki came up to me and hugged me and whispered to me that he will never let go.  I smiled and made Loki get off so I could breathe. 

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