Chapter 11

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Once everyone had finished doing their turns they wanted me to sing again. "I don't sing that good." "Yes you do Elizabeth. Stop acting so negative. Please just one more song." "Fine but if I fell like doing another I am blaming you guys." They smiled like idiots but I just laughed and chose nightcore version of Wonderland. I finished singing and felt really different. Then I gasped I saw Natasha flirting with Loki. I was already off the stage and ran to the tower. I ran and ran finding myself cry really hard. Tony must have tried to follow me since I herd someone call my name. "Elizabeth what's wrong? Man your fast." "I... I saw Natasha flirt with Loki. I felt like my heart broke and now wants to hurt her and everyone else." Tony hugged me and kissed the top of my head. "Don't worry my daughter everything is going to be ok. You are a very pretty girl Elizabeth no matter what people think or do." I smiled and went to the kitchen. The Avengers all live here in the tower. Loki was forced to live here by Thor so he can keep an eye on him. I was waiting for my tea to be ready so that when everyone comes in I don't have to deal with them. But it seemed to take forever. "Liz are you here?" I heard Loki call my name and I ran to the roof of the tower. 

Loki pov: 

She ran off for some reason looking hurt and heartbroken. Her voice was gorges and was like hearing the wind breeze through a patch of flowers. I tried to ran off to see why she left so quickly. I finally got to the tower to see if everything was alright. Then it hit me Natasha and I were flirting with each other because she wanted to help me if I ever want Elizabeth back. I got to the main floor and called her name. I got no replay back so I checked her room and found it empty. I walked towards the kitchen and saw the tea pot on the stove. I knew right away she was here. I found it empty and was confused since she couldn't have left it going. It then hit me she might be on the roof since she likes going up there. I went up there and found her mumbling something.

My pov:

I was talking to myself not knowing he was behind me. I can't do this any more, I keep on missing him. Why do I miss him so much? It's because you love him me. Remember when you guys would only do but talk to each other no stop. I kept talking to myself until I heard Loki say my name, "Elizabeth are you ok?" "What does it look like to you Natasha lover." "Please let me explain!" He said following me down the stairs. "What is there to be explained Loki! You were flirting with Natasha!" I yelled at him not noticing that everyone was staring at us. Thor gave Loki a look and before I knew it everything went black.

Loki pov:

Her eyes changed from her brown eyes to her ice blue eyes. I had to let Thor knock her out since she might do something that she would wish she didn't do. "I think she needs to be back in Asgard. Away from me and everyone else." "But brother I know you love her with all your heart. Why make her go back home out of all the places?" "Father would know what to do. I'm afraid she might turn evil and might not see the good side of her again." Tony sighed and let us take her back to Asgard. I was nervous about going back to Asgard but Thor said he will do most of the talking. When we got there I kept my head down and followed Thor making sure she didn't wake up. We walked in with her in chains and when she woke up she was aggressive. "Father we need your help with Elizabeth." Thor said while Odin looked at me and then turned his gaze on Elizabeth.

My pov:

I woke up finding myself in chains. Loki was holding one side of me while Thor was holding the other side. "What did Loki do now." "He did nothing father. It's Elizabeth she turned evil and we need your help. Loki was put under a spell and didn't mean to attack Midgard.  She is different she turned aggressive." Thor said holding me tight so I couldn't move or escape. "Please father I love her with all my heart and I know you do too. I don't want to see her this way anymore I want the Elizabeth I know back." Loki said while trying not to let me go or cry. I felt sorry for him but then again he was flirting with Natasha. I struggle to get myself out of the chains but I couldn't.

Loki The God Of Mischief/ a Loki x readerWhere stories live. Discover now