Chapter 9

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"Elizabeth no I don't want to lose you." "Tony what are you planning to do then?" "Take it up to the portal." "Tony no please." I said while falling onto the ground. I was on top of Stark tower and saw Tony take the missile up to the portal. I felt someone behind me put there hand on my shoulder. I turn around and saw Loki standing behind me. I hugged him and cried until I heard Steve call my name. "Elizabeth are you ok?" "Yea, I'm fine." "Where Loki I can't find him?!" "Thor calm down he's with me." "Oh good. Wait where are you guys?" "On top of Stark's tower why?" "You might want to look up." I saw Tony falling from the sky very fast. "Darn it Tony this is why you don't do that." I flew over to Tony while swearing to myself. I got him just in time and set him done. Loki can up behind me almost smacking him in the face. "Oops sorry Loki. I didn't mean to almost slap you. I just hate it when people sneak up on me." "Yea yea whatever." Loki said while rolling his eyes. I went over to Tony and slap his face. "What was that for?" "Good your awake. Oh and that was making me worry about you and for your stupidity." We all laughed and I helped Tony up. "Liz don't turn around." "I know. I know. Loki is behind me. Look I think he didn't mean to do this mess. He was under some strange black magic." "Are you sure?" "Yes. I have seen this before and it was during the war with the dark elves." "I don't know-" "Wait Lady Elizabeth is right. That did happen, but who would do that to Loki?" "My guess is that the leader wanted something that was here." "He wanted the tesseract." Everyone looked at Loki. Some wanted to hurt him or just slap him. "Don't do it Tony or you will have to deal with me playing video games and beating you at every single one." "Fine but when you go on a mission I am going to bug you." "Fine father." Loki looked at me with a confused look, "He is kinda like a father to me and he kinda adopted me." "Okay. Any way can you fix this mess with your magic?" I nodded and in a blink of an eye every thing was fixed. All but Stark tower, "Tony I couldn't fix your tower so you might have to fix it." He nodded and everyone went to his tower so we could rest. "Liz." "Yes Loki." "Why did you leave when I was in my prison?" "I didn't want my hopes to high. I knew that if it was you,you might already have a wife or dating someone else." "Then why did you bust me?" "To make sure it was you. The Loki I know and love." I said while blushing on the last part. He did his evil little smile and put me on his lap. Fury came in and found me on his lap. "Loki let her go or-" "He's fine. Oh and he is going to work with us like it or not. I am going to keep an eye on him and train him so don't you dare say he is going back to Asgard." Fury smiled, "That what I wanted to hear out of you. Out of all the struggle and stress you have felt with when you came here you finally took control." I blushed since I rarely get compliments from Fury. 

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