Your Problems I Can Solve

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(y/n)- Heyyy I'm back from the mall!!

Guy you are wheeling- cool.

(Y/n) - aren't you going to ask how it was? What I did? What I bought. Anything?

1.35am read....

2 days later....



Still nothing....

One week later...

Guy- hey sorry I was playing video games.

Y/n: read at 3:30.

I sigh throwing my phone onto my pillow. He always does this. One time he didn't reply to me for a month... He can never hang out because he has no money. He's admitted to spending all his money on weed...

I've given him way too many chances and I'm starting to lose it... Just before my eyes start to water I hear a ring. I pick up my phone and look at the caller ID. I didn't recognize it till I heard her voice.

"Ahayo!! (Y/n)! How are you?" She giggles into the phone.

You sigh slightly and cough a bit before answering slowly. "I-I'm ok... And you?"

"I'm fine! Arigato! I was wondering if you'd like to get icecream with me today!" I could hear the smile as she spoke. It made butterflies in my stomach go crazy.

"S-sure!" I say quickly wiping my tears that had almost fallen from earlier. "Is something wrong (Y/n)-chan?" Noodle asks concerned.

"I-I'm just having a small problem. Hopefully this ice cream date will get me over it!!" I smile not really realizing what I said.

I heard another giggle from Noodle. "I'll pick you up!! Text me your address!"

"Are you sure? I can drive and meet you there if you'd like." I respond.

There's a pause then Noodle continues. "It's ok! Then we can talk more! Sayonara! See you soon!" She then hangs up. I sigh happily and begin to get ready after texting Noodle my address.

I checked myself out in the mirror and nod. "I actually look really pretty today!" I smile to myself in the mirror and jump a bit to the sound of a knock at the door.

I grab my purse and run to the door to be meted by Noodle. I smile kindly at her. "Sorry I was just finishing up with getting ready."

"It's ok! Woah I love your house! It's so kawaii!" She smiles and then takes my hand in hers.

I blush a deeper shade of red at her touch. She had a bit bigger hands than mine though my hands have always been a bit smaller than they should be. Her hands were soft besides the tips of her fingers were a bit more rough.

"I'm excited for our date!" She says happily. I then blush and my eyes widen a bit. "D-date?" I ask. Noodle nods. "Like you said on the phone, ne?"

"O-oh right! I-i kinda meant to say friend date." Noodle looks down for a minute but quickly cheers up. "Of course!" She starts the car and looks over at me.

"So... Why were you sad earlier?" She asks quietly.

I hesitantly start off by telling her a shorter version of the story. Basically telling her that my "guy" wasn't the nicest person out there and tends to get distracted easily and forgets about me.

Noodle listens contently nodding here and there. "He doesn't sound so nice..." She states.

I nod my head. "I know... But ... He said he liked me and... That's never happened before. So I don't want to lose him now..." I look down twining with my fingers.

"No one has ever liked you before? That's hard to believe!" Noodle laughs a bit. "You're so cute and talented!"

I smile and giggle myself. "I know right? What's not to like?" I laugh again making a joke.

The car ride was devilry long since it took a bit to get to my house. Most of the ride we just sat in a peaceful silence or the radio was turned on low. Though after some more conversations about my life and hers and the conversation died down.

Noodle decided to turn the radio up a bit louder when a decent song came on. She sang along to it and began to jam out.

She had her little session for half the song before turning towards me and smiling. I smile back and giggle at how cute she was.

She continued to sing the song as I zoned out a bit enjoying her singing and the view from her car wide open window.

Am I starting to like Noodle? No I can't! She probably isn't into girls anyways. Plus I have him... But... Things haven't been going so well...

We will see where today takes it. Maybe I just need a good friend like Noodle and that's all I feel towards her?

Save Her, Leave Her Alone. (Noodle x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now