Chapter Ten: Seasons Change, But People Don't

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Frank was having a cigarette on the balcony. He looked out at the setting sun and felt the slight breeze of the impending autumn season coming. He blew the smoke out and watched it curl in the air. He thought about the last few months and how so much had changed. After Gerard's surgery, things were a little rough. Georgia had warned both Frank and Mikey that Gerard might get depressed for a bit. A bit was an understatement, though. Gerard spent most of May and into June doing literally nothing. Finally Mikey read Gerard the riot act and Frank stopped trying to get him to do anything in order to show him how much he was hurting them.

By mid June, Gerard started to come around again. It was not instantaneous of course, but little by little Gerard started to change his behavior. He resigned and started talking to Georgia. It really did help him to get past what Marco did to him. Soon he was alright with being touched and held, even if he could not fully feel anything anymore, he knew it was there. By mid July, he had started joining Frank and Mikey on trips to their old watering hole. Gerard sat in the shallows and relaxed in the shaded sun with his body half-submerged and the feeding tube well clamped, and his arms equipped with floaties. Frank was so expert at it all by now, Gerard was never worried. He watched Frank and Mikey splash in the deeper waters like he and Frank used to. Frank felt bad, but the look on Gerard's face hold him that it was not bothering him at all. If fact, the look on his face was...puzzling when he looked at him and Mikey.

Frank also found a program that allowed Gerard to continue his love of art. With an outlet now, Gerard was feeling in much better spirits. He has also turning out some amazing computer generated art. Frank loved that Gerard had gotten that part of him back. It truly made him happy.

"Frankie, you coming? Movie is about to start,"

Frank turned and saw Mkey in the doorway. He was leaning against it and smiling. The setting sun flooded Gerard's room and it covered Mikey in hues of orange and reds. Frank smiled back as he put his cigarette out and dropped the butt into a can that was kept on the balcony for him.

"Yeah, Mikes. I'm coming," Frank walked through the room to the door. Mikey held out his hand for him. Frank raised an eyebrow, but then said fuck it and took it as they made their way to the living room and Gerard.

_ _ _

It was October now, and Frank was really happy with Gerard's progress. The machine he gave him had allowed him more freedom both in the hospital bed and the wheelchair. It was nice to see how excited being even a little independent would make him. Frank also noticed that Mikey was more relaxed now.

"Looks like that machine is working just well for Gee, even though he can't really talk anymore...or eat, either," Mikey frowned a bit, the sad image of Gerard hooked up to a tube through his stomach to feed him stuck in his head.

"Don't look at what he can't do," Frank replied. "Look at what he can do, Mikes,"

"Good point," he nodded. "At least he can do what he loves doing, despite his impediments,"

"Yes, and even if he can't do it with his lips, his eyes smile," Frank grinned. Mikey smiled back, taking Frank into a tight hug as he tried to hold back tears. Frank, of course, hugged him back.

"Thank you...for everything," Mikey said.

"There is no need to thank me. I am just doing what is right by my friends,"

"I know, and I really appreciate it,"

Frank hears a sound and looks over at Gerard calling him.

"Duty calls," Frank pats Mikey on the shoulder and then heads over to Gerard. "What's up, Gee?"

"I'm cold," the machine spoke, saying what Gerard couldn't get out of his lips.

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