Chapter 5: Objection! Erection! Confession!

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Franziska Von Edgeworth, Maya Fey Wright,
Maggey Gumshoe, Adrian Andrews and Ema Skye
The Ball Room, Los Angeles

The Kurain Master fidgeted with her empty glass, still mulling over the somewhat ironic fact that while Franziska had essentially commanded the others to regale and entertain her with the lurid details of their private lives with their partners, the German woman was notoriously tight-lipped with sharing such details herself! Maya would know! She'd tried – just a fortnight ago!

The results had been embarrassingly painful...


Two weeks ago...

Phoenix Wright and Maya Fey Wright
Miles Edgeworth and Franziska Von Edgeworth
Edgeworth's Penthouse, Los Angeles

"It's painfully embarrassing that whenever you two foolish fools get together, it is nigh impossible to decipher either of you from the children! Now both of you, shut your foolish mouths immediately!" Franziska brandished her whip threateningly at the two sullen lawyers.

"Yeah, and act your ages, not those of our kids!" Maya admonished, waving her finger at both their husbands. "Neither of us want to hear a peep out of either one of you until you learn to play nice! Five minutes of silence, as of now!"

"He started it," Edgeworth muttered petulantly, then buried his head in his newspaper when Franziska shot him a look that could have rendered him plant food!

It was after dinnertime. The butler had retired downstairs to his place a few floors down for the evening, and Edgeworth was in his armchair, looking over the challenging New York Times crossword puzzle, the answers which he'd confidently boasted to Phoenix he was going to input in ink rather than pencil! (Thoroughly unimpressed, his courtroom rival had merely smirked in response and called the prosecutor a Poindexter Show-Off.)

At his end, Phoenix was struggling, for the umpteenth time, to successfully figure out how to change his Dumb Phone ringtone from the Steel Samurai theme song! Maya still refused to help him with that, as she insisted the nearly 20-year-old theme as caller-ID was "nostalgic." (Edgeworth had inserted that it was actually "dated and annoying." Phoenix had retorted that Edgeworth's face was "dated and annoying!")

Hence, the two wives had had to make an objection and give the two 42-going on-5-year-old men a five- minute "time-out!"

Ergo, the living room, and the entire condominium, was presently filled with rare, peaceful silence. The twins and Mia were quietly watching some kids TV show on Nickelodeon in Gregory's bedroom, and Ace was currently napping in Mila's room.

"Would anyone like to have some coffee and cake?" Franziska offered her guests. "Hendricks made your favorite, liebling, black forest cake."

"Sounds good, meine dame," Edgeworth murmured, furrowing his brow at a particularly mind-bending clue in his puzzle.

"Sure, thanks Franziska," Phoenix nodded and resumed his mind-bending task of figuring out his ringtones.

"I'll come help serve," Maya offered, rising from the sofa and following her friend into the kitchen.

The women seemed to have forgotten that the highly sensitive, top of the line, two-way audio receiver of Ace's baby monitor, the other which was in Mila's room, was perched on the dining room table, which was directly in between both the kitchen and living room.

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