Chapter 15: Children need Supervision

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Since I can't really write non-angst for about some Bluepulse and Maia?

Maia's POV

"Why can't you just go out and be social like other kids your age?!" Mother shouted at me. Her form was tense and angry; probably from the full hour we had been spending, yelling at each other.

"Why can't you just get off my back!?" I yelled back, my hands balling up into fists.

"You're wasting your life away, spending all day in the house and all night with that woman!" Mother shouted, waving a hand through the air.

"That woman's name is Lina, and at least she respects me!" I yelled back.

"Respects you? She drags you off to Spirits-know-where to do crazy 'exercises'!" She yells.

"Exercises that ensure I don't tear up the village with my powers! You know, the things you refuse to accept!"

"How on Earth can I accept them Maia?" Mother yelled. "It's bad enough my daughter's blind, now she's a freak too?"

Her words catch me off guard and I freeze, all arguments and anger escaping my body the moment she uses the f-word. Her stance changes into one of shock as she steps toward me, going to place a hand on my shoulder.

"Maia...I didn't-""Save it." I growl as I slap her hand away and speed-walk out of the house, grabbing my bag on the way, and my anger coming back ten-fold as I reach the door.

However, my anger is mixed with surprise as I open the door and find two familiar boys standing there, the shorter one with her hand raised as if he was about to knock.

Quickly, I close the door behind me and step outside: the warm spring air greeting my skin.

"Jaime, Bart...what are you doing here?" I ask, eyebrow raised. "And how did you find my house?"

"Is...this a bad time?" Jaime asks nervously, probably hearing the screaming from the other side of the door. "We can leave-"

"Dude, she obviously needs some chill-hang time with us!" Bart says, elbowing Jaime in the ribs. "What do you way Clairvoyance, up for some time with your favorite boys?"

"Why the hell would you use my alias in this situation?" I growled, hitting the speedster over the head.

"Thank you!" Jaime exclaims. After a moment, I sigh and smile at the boys.

"You know what...I think I could use some time with you guys." I say, and I reach into my bag to uncover my black blindfold and wrap it around my eyes.

"Oh yeah!" Bart says, raising his hand and I high-five him back.

The air changed as Jaime blasted a rock with his plasma canon, making it explode.

"How was that?" Jaime asked, even blind I could tell he was smiling.

"Yawn." Bart says, faking a yawn. "Is that really the best you can do?"

They've been doing this for fifteen minutes. Both trying to impress one-another with their powers and abilities. Usually, I'd be upset about third-wheeling...but they were cute and gay so I didn't mind as much.

I knew Jaime was bisexual, but I'd never seen him flirt so much with a guy...

And it was even cooler when Bart flirted back.

"No!" Jaime exclaimed as he whirled around and shot another plasma attack at an event large boulder, which once again exploded. Jaime stood confidently as he raised his canon and blew on it, reenacting the whole wild-west-blow-off-your-pistol thing. "Top that...hermano..."

The Winds Continue: Young Justice, Zephyr Book 2 Where stories live. Discover now