Chapter 14~ what's with him?

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"I'm at war with the world and they try to pull me into the dark. I struggle to find my faith."

~Y/N's P.O.V~

It's Sunday night and I was about to go to sleep until i heard B/N tell my name. I groaned and slowly got off my bed aand walked downstairs to see B/N covered in fur. "What do you want?!"

"What do I want?! Y/N it's been the entire weekend and you said it would've only lasted for a few hours! What bullshit is this?! There's fur everywhere!"

"Does it look like i can control it? I'm not a werewolf by blood you smart ass! Kawaii-chan told me that it's going to last for a week."

"If you dont turn back by then I'm taking you to a witch doctor, if there even is one. Now can you actually clean up your nasty shedding, if Ein can do it himself so can you."

"Yeah yeah whatever, goodnight."

I went upstairs again and jumped on my bed. After a few minutes I fell asleep.

~Werewolf Class~

I was in werewolf class using my phone and I just heard Aph complain. "I'm so hungry! My appetite has increased 10 times more since I became a werewolf. How was your weekend Y/N? Struggle with the shedding too?"

"My brother yelled at me for it, since i have a cousin who is a by blood a werewolf he sheds a lot too. And yeah I'm hungry too."

"Has Garroth seen you like this?" She winked at me and giggled.

"Don't even dare, I'd like to stay away from the attention."

"The attention of Garroth's eyes as they open wide? Or his mouth dropping to the floor on how cute you look?"

I looked at her unamused and continued scrolling through my phone.

I heard two people talking really loud, i looked up from my phone and tried listening. "Are they dating?" Asked a female werewolf with grayish purple hair.

"I don't think so but she smells so much like him when they sit together. She even looks like us now. So I'm ok with calling her Alpha." Says a boy werewolf with brown hair.

"Do you see them fight? I think it's so cute. I can't wait for them to start throwing punches."

"Yeah and also the new Beta is pretty cool too, she'll for sure throw shit loads of punches! She's a good fighter, which makes her an awesome beta. So I don't mind calling her beta either."

After listening I couldn't tell who they were talking about. Aphmau wowed. "I can hear them from here! This is so cool! I wonder who they're talking about! I can hear so much gossip like this!"

"Dude i know!"

"You guys are still wearing that?"

I turn my head to see Aaron just standing there. Aph screamed, "where did you come from?!"

"The bake sale is over, why do you still have those ears and tail."

"Yeah i wondered that same thing over the weekend too."

"How about you mind your own business."

"All I'm saying it looks stupid."

"Well, i really don't care about your opinion at all now do I?

Aaron sat down next to me and touched Aph's tail. "Did you just grab my tail?!"

"Its real?!"

"No shit Sherlock, you'd really think I would wear this at free will?"

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