The signs as lovers

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you don’t fall in love often and you’re even wary of it at times. but when you are in love, you fall hard and fast. when you meet the right person you give them your heart.

you plan the perfect dates. you know the best spots to take your date out. you are open to new things, but sometimes picky when it comes to others

you are a fun lover. dates always have a great time and have lots of laughs with you. but you can struggle with communicating your own wants and needs.

you wear your heart on your sleeve, and are an honest lover. you can tell what your partner needs and can always make them feel better. you aren’t a stranger to heart break.

you are incredibly protective and give relationships your all. you have a big heart but can be wary with sharing it. this can lead to you avoiding putting yourself out there.

you are a kind and soft lover. you are attentive and have an eye for the little things your partner needs. you can tend to shut down and push people out when conflict shows up.

you’re a romantic and have big dreams for your love life. you make your partner feel valued. you can find yourself disappointed when someone doesn’t meet your expectations.

Scorpio 🌶
you’re spontaneous when it comes to dates. when it comes to love you are all or nothing. you are a passionate lover but can get easily spooked when things get serious

when in a relationship you are very stable and others easily open up to you. people find comfort when around you. you are optimistic about love but have trouble opening up to others.

you put a lot of effort into a relationship, and work at maintaining a healthy relationship. you are kind and have a great sense of humour. take time to have fun and communicate how you feel.

you have a big heart and love to go on cute dates to cozy places. you give the best hugs and pet names. but you can be distant at times and are bad at texting back.

you’re dreamy and make great home cooked meals for your partner. you are great at planning cute homey dates and give warm cuddles. you can be a little forgetful, which some find endearing, but you have been late to a few dates.

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