the signs talking to someone they can't stand

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Dedicated to Addie2424

Aries: *punches them in the face in the middle of a sentence*
Taurus: "I really hate you and I always will.. so shut up."
Gemini: "You know what'd be nice? If you shut your face forever."
Cancer: "Listen, I'm going to say this the nicest way possible.... honey, I really fucking hate you."
Leo: "I can't even handle your awfulness. Why am I talking to you when I'm me."
Virgo: "I hate talking to you. Sorry."
Libra: *really loud sigh*
Scorpio: "You may not be bad-looking, but you are one of the worst and please get out of my life. I have better things to do."
Sagittarius: *cuts them off in the middle of a sentence* "Please don't live."
Capricorn: "Wanna hear a joke? You."
Aquarius: "BURN WITH SATAN."
Pisces: "I wish you didn't exist. The world would be a much happier place."

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