13 reasons why each sign is amazing.

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Aries:is sexy, extremely humble, doesn't let anything or anyone get in their way.

Taurus:is sooo talented, very charismatic, does anything for what they believe in.

Gemini:is trustworthy, sooOOooOoo talkative, can make anyone love their personality.

Cancer:is extremely caring, adorably emotional, never lets anyone belittle their friends.

Leo:is a natural leader, always stays gracious, never lets anything get to them.

Virgo:is adorable, super sweet, and does anything to help you out.

Libra:is vibrant, has the biggest heart, can make you feel good in a heartbeat.

Scorpio:is accidentally funny, so introverted it's cute, will always be there for you.

Sagittarius:is funny, gives the best advice, can make the you smile.

Capricorn:is hilarious at times, can jump from goofy to serious, has such big ideas for the world.

Aquarius:is beautiful, carries a strong aura, will never let you down.

Pisces:is irreplaceable, best sense of humor, has the prettiest smile.

I dedicate this chapter to ApolloPhanaeus

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