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I dedicate this to Mystery-Nerd

Aries: Studies kinda hard, and manages a B

Taurus: Studies wayyy harder than they need to and gets a 100%. Also does the extra credit

Gemini: Barely studies and literally breaks the scantron machine because they got 12982%

Cancer: Tries to study and falls asleep. Crams the morning before and clutches an A

Leo: Doesn’t sleep until they understand the subject and gets a bombass A

Virgo: Goes to starbucks but doesn’t actually study. Still gets 100%

Libra: BB at least you tried…

Scorpio: Doesn’t sleep all night to study and barely passes with an A ‘cuz they’re so braindead

Sagittarius: “Shit it’s 12 AM ALREADY????? Well… I’m gonna go to bed and see what the fuck happens tomorrow”

Capricorn: Literally reads the study guide once and remembers everything and gets 100%

Aquarius: Doesn’t study. Gets a 92%. “Oh no I failed ):”

Pisces: “What is really important is that we have our health (: “

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