How Drunk You Can Get, According To Your Zodiac Sign

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Dedicated to MaTayaEllis

Believe it or not, but your zodiac sign plays a role in determining the kind of drunk you are after a night of debauchery. From a crazy drunk to a melancholic mess, find out what your zodiac has to say about your drinking habits.

1. Aries (Mar 20 - Apr 18)

Once tipsy, you get rowdy and adventurous. So much so, you can convince a group of friends to try some pretty wacky drinks and shots, enough to blow the mind of the most seasoned drinker and get them intoxicated to your level. As a happy drunk, you are a fun person to hang out with. The more drinking games you play, the more belligerent you get with your brutal honesty and thadki routine.

2. Taurus (Apr 19 - May 18)

Starting off as mellow and calm, the more you drink, the more obnoxious you get. A perfect wingman for your friends, your patience and loyalty is tested when alcohol is part of the bargain. 

You become a bull in a china shop as you stumble, fumble and clumsily knock things down. Your search for comfort, at the high levels of alcohol in your bloodstream, often lead you to removing your clothes to ease constriction from heat.

3. Gemini (May 20 - Jun 20)

Your behaviour doesn't change much as you get drunk but you do get chattier as the evening progresses. People who have entrusted you with secrets are in danger because you spill the beans about everything. You're hilarious when it comes to drinking games, except when you suddenly throw up on everybody.

4. Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 21)

A heavy drinker who becomes the life of the party, you instigate others to be high and merry. You seem content but your unhappiness increases in direct proportion to your alcohol consumption. This results in an emotional outburst where you cry like a baby, or end up screaming at the bartender when he refuses to serve you.

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