Winning the Heart of Women

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Aries: The first thing to know about an Aries woman? She is passionate to the core. In relationships, she loves the pursuit — and being pursued — but holding her interest once you’ve “caught” her is another matter altogether. For the Ram, a blaze of passion can fizzle out fast if there isn’t enough energy there to sustain it. The best fuel to keep that fire burning is staying one step ahead of her at all times. She needs a lover who possesses a strong mind and backbone; confidence and independence are essential, while spineless or clingy behavior could spell the end of the affair. Spontaneity and ambition are also requirements for a lasting relationship; the Ram needs to feel impressed, excited and inspired by her lover. If you pursue an Aries woman, get ready to field one challenge after another — and every one of them will be worth the prize.

Taurus: To win over a Taurus woman, woo her in a focused and deliberate way. Since she adores rich flavors, chocolates, fine wine or an excellent meal at a top-rated restaurant will go a long way toward winning her heart. But she also appreciates wholesome simplicity, and could be just as impressed, if not more so, by a home-cooked meal as five-star dining. A sensualist by nature, the Bull needs a strong physical connection to feel grounded in a love affair, so don’t skimp on pampering her with back rubs and foot massages. But the real key to the Bull’s heart? A strong and dependable lover who is seeking long-term commitment. This grounded soul doesn’t tolerate drama or unpredictability well, but she does need a partner with a backbone who can stand up to her stubborn streak. Strike that all-important balance, and she will gift you with devotion.

Gemini: Winning the heart of a Gemini woman is all about first stimulating her mind. Clever, knowledgeable and a champ at flirting, she responds best to someone who makes her laugh while making her think. She loves nothing more than a good debate; while some might fantasize about making love into the wee hours of the night, Gemini wants to stay up all night talking, trading stories, and making a meeting of the minds. The best dates with this sign are those that engage her at a mental level, such as trivia night at a pub, a book reading or poetry slam competition, or a controversial film that is sure to spark conversation. Once you’ve connected at that all-important intellectual level, the physical connection will follow. At that point, think nimble fingers and naughty talk to stoke her desires.

Cancer: When the object of your desires is a Cancer, flattery and frills won’t do the trick; in fact, these promise only to turn her off. Cancer women seek nothing less than true sincerity in love. A secure, dependable connection with a trustworthy partner is a requirement for this deeply emotional, sensitive and intuitive woman, so dishonest or unfaithful types need not apply. The Cancer woman does want to be swept off her feet, but doing so can be tricky; one false move and you could send the sign of the Crab back into her self-protective shell. But show her that you’re family-oriented, a hard worker, and someone who will strive to provide for her physical and emotional needs, and she will open her heart to you, slowly but surely. Great dates with the Crab include a picnic, a wedding or family reunion, or a tearjerker film that will tug at her heartstrings.

Leo: If your heart yearns for a Leo, you can look forward to a truly passionate connection with a woman who possesses a magnetic personality and the heart of a lion. Hers is the sign of the Lion, after all, and she needs a partner in love who is as strong and bold as she is. Let her know she plays the starring role in your heart with big gestures — the showier and more demonstrative, the better. Sweep her off her feet with a weekend getaway to an exotic locale or a rooftop dinner surrounded by sparkling city lights. But know that winning over a Leo woman is about understanding her deeply, which means seeing past that bright, stylish, charismatic exterior to the soft heart beneath. In order to fully flower in a love affair, the Lion needs to feel both emotionally secure and utterly adored.

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