Why can I remember you? Chapter 02

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•J O S H U A' S  P O V•

"Oh hey Joshua Good Morning" (Y/N) smiled at me.

'She's so beautiful. I had a crush on her since middle school. At that time she was to close to Minghao. I hated seeing her with him. He left about 6 years ago leaving her in so much pain. I want her to feel happy again and forget about Minghao.' 

'He left and I just hope he doesn't come back here again'

"So (Y/N) want to go somewhere when school is done" I asked.

"Oh where exactly?"

"I wanna take you out" She stood there and started to get flustered.

I chuckled. "Are you ok (Y/N)?" I got closer to her.

"Y-yeah everything is ok and I don't know if should go I mean what if the thing happens" she mumbled.

"It's ok I will be there to help you out" I insisted.

"Ok I will go with you" she sighed. "Yes, so see you afterschool" I exclaimed. I ran back inside the school.

Joshua asked me out I think. I don't want to go I feel like I will have one of those moments of tears bursting out.

"Why did I say yes to him" I whispered.

"Maybe because you like Joshua now" Lisa teased me.

"No I don't it's just I didn't want him to feel bad if I said no" I added.

'Joshua is a nice guy. He's been there for at times when I needed someone to talk to. I won't say I have feeling for him but just that my heart doesn't allow me too is like there is someone else that has my heart but

"Come on (Y/N) let's go to class" Lisa whined.

"Oh yeah let's go" I responded.

A F T E R S C H O O L•

' I don't wanna go on this "date" with Joshua'. I quickly rushed out the classroom and wanting to go home. I rushed toward the dismissal door but I stopped. I see Joshua waiting for me at the door. My only way out out of this school.

Before he notices me I try to go back in the classroom to think of a way out.

"Hey (Y/N) over here" Joshua shouted. I turned around slowly and see him approaching me.

'Shit he's coming what do I say?'

"oh Joshua I didn't see you there so I was going to check inside in one of the classroom if you were there"

"Oh really? Where do you want to go?" he stated. I took time to decide where to go.

'(Y/N) come to the park I need to tell you something' that voice said.

'Who are you?'

"I want to go to the park" I am determined to know who is this person's voice.

"Okay let's go the park" he took hold of my hand.

'Let's enjoy the last hours we have together' I head that voice again and looked back assuming it someone said it.

"Are you ok (Y/N)" he asked.

"Yeah I am fine" I nodded.

'I swear I heard a voice but where did it come from and who? Why can't I remember you?'

We made our way to park. Our whole walk there was quiet not Joshua or I said anything to break the tension.

'I mean me and him are good friends but I see him as a best friend . He always acts so different around me I don't what he sees me as.'

"(Y/N) we are here come on"

M I N G H A O' S  P O V•

  "Son we have finished our business in China and now we can go back to Korea." My father stated. 

"Really?!" I asked. "Yes, son we are going back so you can go see (Y/N) again after 11 years" he chuckled and smiled.

Its been 6 years since I left her and I will get so her all grown up. I wonder how she looks now more beautiful, attractive, and sexy.......I mean nothing just can wait to you.

And what if she doesn't remember me what will I do. I shake my mind off of it and get ready to go. We proceeded towards the airport. And take a taxi to the airport. We got out the taxi bringing our suitcases and headed inside the airport. We get the tickets and get on the plane. I decided to sit next to the window and looked out the window.

"Finally I will get to see you again (Y/N) and tell you  what I couldn't last time"

Lost and Found X.M (SVT) MAJOR EDITING Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora