Chapter 9

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Jack flew back to Merida and Rapunzel. "The only way out is the way we came."

Merida: "Uggh!"


Hiccup: "Merida! Jack! Rapunzel!" He stopped. "Ugh! How could I loose a whole group of gardians!"


Back near the entrance of the tunnel, the three looked around. The tunnel was earily quiet, no henchman to be seen.

Rapunzel: "Where do you think they went?"

Merida shrugged, "No idea, but we've got more important problems. Hiccup es still missin'!"

Jack: "We know!"

Merida: "So we 'ave to do somethin' about it!"

Jack: "We also need to think about what the witch is going to do next."

Merida: "We can't just abandon Hiccup like that!"

Jack: "I'm not saying we will!"

Rapunzel: "Guys! Get it together!"

Merida and Jack both looked at Rapunzel.

Rapunzel: "We can do this guys, but we have to stay focused!"

Merida: "She's right, we can't loose our heads." She glared at Jack.

Jack: "Alright. So what's next?"


Hiccup found the place where the henchmen and Maleficent had attacked them. Then he saw foot prints leading into the mountains, "Oh gods, no..."

He ran ahead, Toothless lumbering behind him. When he heard shouting, he hid quick. But he soon recognized the voices. 

Hiccup: "Guys!"


Merida, Rapunzel, and Jack both looked at Hiccup. But they didn't run to him, or look relieved to see him. 

Hiccup: "Guys.. what's-" he took a step towards them.

Merida: "Stop right thar!" She held up a sword.

Rapunzel threw her hair around him, tying him up.

Hiccup: "What the-"

Rapunzel then loosened the hair and stood up straight, "It's alright guys, my hair didn't pass through him.

Hiccup: What?"

Merida ran up to Hiccup and hugged him, squeezing the air out of him. "Thank goodness yer alive!" She let go.

Hiccup: "Huh, why...WHAT?" he said, still confused.

Jack: "Earlier Maleficent pretended to still have you, kind of. But when we touched "you", you would dissolve." He explained.

Hiccup pretended like he understood by nodding his head. "So," he said looking at the sword,"You got it?"

Rapunzel: "Yep!"

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