Chapter 28

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Jack shot ice at the beast.

Rapunzel's dragon threw its spikes.

Toothless blew a gigantic fireball at the creature.

Then, out of no where, thousands of dragons flew out from the smoke. Vikings, Scots, Guardians, and Soldiers were all on the backs at them. Everything was shot at Maleficent, distracting her and knocking her senseless.


Meanwhile, Merida fetched the bow slung over her shoulder. She quickly put the notch she had cut in the sword on the string. A perfect fit. She was nearing the ground. She would have to act fast.

Merida pulled the string of her bow back. Ready...Aim...


She shot the sword directly at Maleficent's heart. Her cold, dark, careless heart.

Merida saw that it was done and closed her eyes. She braced herself for the impact of her body and the ground.


Hiccup saw the sword flying. This had to work. He watched it sail through the sky.

Jack saw the shot. He gave all he had to distract Maleficent for the incoming sword.

Rapunzel watched all this like it was in slow motion, noticing every detail.

Maleficent's tail came in front of the sword, but it was not material enough to stop it. The sword whistled through. The stabbing of the sword meeting it's mark was a slow one. It pierced the skin and buried itself.

Maleficent screamed out in pain and fell. She was shrinking in size quickly as she descended. Hiccup, Jack and Hiccup all waited for the thud of her fall, but there was none. Jack flew down to see nothing but a black cape and a sword stabbed through the middle.

"We did it!" Hiccup said softly in disbelief.

"Yeah," Rapunzel joined him.

Then they looked at each other, each face horrific. "Merida!"

Jack was already ahead of them. He scanned the floor below him. Finally he spotted a flash of red and down he went. He landed, still running. Her body was motionless.

Hiccup and Rapunzel came to join him. Hiccup jumped off Toothless faster than ever and scurried to Merida. Rapunzel was going to do the same, but Jack held her back. She looked at him expectantly and he shook his head.

Rapunzel couldn't hold it in anymore. She began sobbing into Jack's arms as he hugged her. He stroked her hair as he let a few tears escape his eyes.

Hiccup rushed to Merida and slowed down as he neared her. He sat down right next to her and pulled her head onto his lap. His eyes watered as he brushed the hair away from her face. He leaned over to listen for a heartbeat but there was none. Hiccup slowly raised his head and, for the first time in a long time, he cried.

A/N: Sorry to be such a downer but I had to add feeling to the story. Please don't come after me with pitchforks! I'll make it up to you in the next chapter!

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