Chapter 25

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"North!" Rapunzel called out at the North Pole.

"Blondie! So nice to see you!" North came out of his office. "Guardians were just getting ready to leave." He said motioning to Tooth, Sandy, and Bunny. They all started making their way to Santa's sleigh.

"Wait!" Merida shouted. They all turned. "We 'ave a location change."

"We can't lure Maleficent out, so we have to bring everyone in," Rapunzel explained.

"Oh, why didn't you say so! Guardians! To Forbidden Mountains!" They all hopped in the sleigh.


"Okay Hiccup, ready for this?" Jack asked.

Hiccup breathed out heavily, "Ready."

Jack gave his friend one last look and flew out.

"Look who's come out of hiding!" Maleficen's voice thickened.

Jack shot ice at what looked like a figure standing on top of a tower. The figure disapeared and reapeared on another tower. "You still underestimate my powers boy! What will finally teach you?" black smoke wrapped around Jack. He struggled from it, but could not move. Maleficent now came flying out from the tower and was coming at Jack.

"Now Hiccup!" Jack yelled.

Hiccup started to pat Toothless on the side, telling him to go. They were just about to leap into the air. "NOOO!"


Hiccup stopped. That sounded like- "Don't do it Hiccup!"

"Merida?" He looked down to see her in a huge sleigh just a little below him along with Rapunzel, a bunny, a fairy, a golden guy and... Santa Claus?

"I have to." He answered.

"No Hiccup! Ye don't have to do this alone! Look!" She pointed to the woods in the distance. He looked.

Out of the woods came hundreds, no, thousands of people. Vikings, soldiers, scots, and dragons. They were all here, and Maleficent noticed.

"Hmm, seems like I've got guests! Maleficent let out some sort of war call. The scream did not sound like it could come from any kind of creature. It was horrific. Everyone winced.

Henchmen came storming out of the castle, all with weapons.The people started fighting down below. Some of them hopped on dragons to fight Maleficent in the air. The Guardians spread out to fight as well.

"We've got to go," Hiccup said to Toothless. Just then a hand was touching Hiccup. He looked down to see Merida had climbed up to him.

"No, Merida-"

"Yes, Hiccup! And if ye tell me something else aye can't do, so HELP mey I will rip yer lips clean OFF!"

Hiccup shut up and took to the sky with Merida and Toothless.

Jack managed to get free and circled around Maleficent along with other people on dragons. They were surrounding her like birds of prey.

Rapunzel got on her own dragon and flew up too.

"Ahh, the Big Four! All her to fight me! I'm flattered!" Maleficent laughed and transformed.

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