Chapter 23

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"Dang it Hiccup!"

"What did I do now?" Hiccup asked.

"You ripped my dress with that arrow you shot at me!"

Hiccup put his hands up in surrender, "sorry," he said sarcastically. "You were coming at me armed, what was I suppose to do?"

"I don't know... But pinning me to the table was pretty smart..."

"Was that a compliment!?" Hiccup said, exaggerating his surprise.

Merida lightly slapped Hiccup on the shoulder. "Don't get used to it, Dragon Boy."

Hiccup smiled and kept 'steering' Toothless.


"Ugh, I never wanted to see this place again," Rapunzel said, eyeing Maleficent's castle which was now coming into view.

"Same." Jack replied.

They all landed close to the castle. "Okay," Hiccup said. "The plan is to lure her out, not actually fight her. We need to get her to our allies."

Everyone nodded, understanding. "For better chances of Maleficent not actually hitting us with anything, let's split up."

"Girls and boys!" Merida shouted.

"Yeah," Rapunzel agreed.

"No! It's too dangerous!" Jack and Hiccup said.

"Ye think we can't handle ourselves?" Merida said. Rapunzel put her hand on her hip.


"Hiccup! Don't answer that!" Jack yelled, stopping him.

"Uh, no... It's just, we should probably split up boy girl for... safety reasons..."

Rapunzel rolled her eyes, "We always do that, let's change it up for once." Rapunzel suggested.


"Fine, let's go Hiccup," Jack said, cutting Hiccup off again.

"We'll work from down here, you guys get to the air," Rapunzel said. Then she and Merida ran off into the woods.

"I'm not so sure about this," Hiccup stated, accidentally out loud.

"They'll be fine," Jack said, trying to reasure himself as well.

Hiccup took one last glance at Merida running off and hopped on Toothless. "Come on bud," He said in Toothless' ear.

Toothless bounded a few steps and took off. Jack followed.


"Toothless will aim at the castle until the witch comes out!" Hiccup yelled over the wind, "You will-"

"Stay ready for the witch. Got it!" Jack, once again, finished for him.

"Yeah." Hiccup replied. "Ready?"

"Ready!" Jack aimed his staff at wherever the witch might come out.

"Okay, it's go time!" Hiccup said to himself. "Now Toothless!"

Toothless aimed at the castle. they swooped up just before they would have hit the tower. Part of the side of the tower crumbled, revealing a staircase.

Jack got ready.

Then a dark cloud started forming above them. An evil laugh filtered through the sky.

"Well...well...well... here we are again." Another cackle. "You poor, simple fools..."

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