Chapter 14

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By the time they were back at the ring, Hiccup's Berk friends were waiting for them with the dragons. 

"What's on the agenda today?" A girl asked.

Hiccup: "Technique." He answered simply.


3 days passed. Slowly, they trained the dragons the best they could, but one question remained... Was is enough to defeat the evil sorceress?


Rapunzel walked up to hiccup while he was alone. "Hey."

Hiccup: "Hey, Rapunzel."

Rapunzel: "You know, we really appriciate the risk you're taking here."

Hiccup: "Yeah, well everyone else on Berk is against it..."

Rapunzel put her hand on his shoulder. "You'll come up with something to change their minds."

Hiccup shrugged.

Rapunzel took back her hand. "I know this is what everyone has been worrying about, but will the dragons be enough?"

Hiccup: "They've got to be, they're all we've got."

Rapunzel: "Not necessarily."

Hiccup: "What do you mean?"

Rapunzel: "Well, what if we all took the risk, like you are?"

Hiccup was confused.

Rapunzel: "I'm a princess, we have guards, an army, in my kingdom. They could help!"

"Hmm." Hiccup pondered.

Rapunzel went on, "Merida's dad has an army, including the other clans of course. And Jack could get the-"

Hiccup: "The other guardians..." He said quietly, thinking.

Rapunzel: "Yeah!"

Hiccup: "Not a bad idea."

Rapunzel: "Is there something wrong with it?"

Hiccup: "No! But I'm not sure Jack and Merida will go for it."

Rapunzel: "We got you into this, I'm sure they'd happily do the same."


Merida: "Whaaaatttt!?"

Jack: "You've got to be kidding me..."

Hiccup: "You got me into this, your turn to pay up."

Jack: "Yeah, yeah. I'll talk to them."

Hiccup: "Good. Merida?"

Merida: "Ahh! Fine." It was obvious she was not happy with this.

Rapunzel: "We should probably split up. I have a feeling Merida's father will be the hardest to compromise with so Hiccup should probably go with her. I'll go with Jack to the North Pole and Corona. Okay?"

Nodding, they all left in a hurry. Time was running out.

How to Train the Brave Tangled GuardiansOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora