Chapter 19

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Jack woke up. He saw Rapunzel not too far from him, laying on the ground, still sleeping. He shook her awake.

"Sorry, Punz, but we've got to get moving."

She groaned. Jack picked her up and started flying for the Pole. North would be waiting for them.


After hours of flying, Jack finally made it. He set Rapunzel down right outside the Pole. Yetis escorted them to the shop.

"Ah! Jack Frost! Good to see you, boy!" North greeted.

"Hey," Jack smiled and leaned against his staff.

"And who's this you got here?" North looked at Rapunzel.

"Rapunzel." Rapunzel said.

"Okay, I'm just going to skip to the point," Jack stated. "An evil witch, known as Maleficent, has threatened to kill us off. We think she's trying to pick us off one by one, mostly for a show of power. We have been training dragons to go up against her. Then we figured, why stop there, so we are working to get people from all of us. An army from Coronia. The Clans from Scotland. And, well, you know."

"Guardians. Hmm. Good plan. But will Guardians accept?" North looked thoughtfully up at the ceiling.

Jack looked at him expectantly.

"Yes! North will help you! You will have to convince Tooth, Bunny, and Sandy. I have no control there."

Jack smiled. "Could you send for them? We're a little busy as it is, and we need to regroup with Mericcup."

"What?" Rapunzel asked, laughing.

"Mericcup!" I just made it up! You like it?" Jack explained.

"Why are you mixing their names?" Rapunzel asked.

"Because it's inevitable." Jack stared at Rapunzel. "Don't you see the way Hic looks at her?"

"Hmm," Rapunzel said, considering this. "But would Merida ever allow it?"

"She'll cave." Jack said.

"Well... Mericcup does sound good... Much better than Hiccida."

Jack laughed.

"I am still here."

Both Jack and Rapunzel looked at North.

"And to answer your question... Yes, I will send for other Guardians."

Jack turned and started for the exit. "Psst!" North hoarsly whispered to Rapunzel.

She looked at North curiously and came closer to him. He slipped something into her hands, "For you," He said simply. Rapunzel nodded.

"Coming Punzie?" Jack yelled from the door.

"Coming!" Rapunzel answered. She smiled at North. "Thank you," she said quietly, and caught up to Jack.

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