Chapter 13

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Hiccup showed up at the ring with a few of his friends from Berk. He had a train of dragons behind him.

Hiccup: "Alright. Here's what we do."


Hiccup showed the others how to tame them enough to gain their trust. This took longer than expected.  It was late afternoon before they got to practice fighting the dragons. They practiced until they could no longer see the dragons. 

Hiccup: "That's enough for today guys.

Jack: "Good work everyone!"

Merida: "Ugh. Ay aven't been this tired in ages." She said, rubbing her back. 

Rapunzel came up behind her, massaging her own neck.

Jack laughed. Though he hurt just as much as the others.

Hiccup couldn't help but smile, but it was too dark for anyone to tell.


Back at Hiccup's house, everyone made a comfortible spot for themselves on the floor.

In the morning, no one felt like getting up, except for Hiccup. He went downstairs to find his dad had already left. "Of course." He sighed.

"What's wrong?"

Hiccup jumped to see Jack standing on his staff behind him.

Hiccup: "What? Nothing..."

A sly grin formed on Jack's lips.

Hiccup: "Fine, I'm a little... consious of-"

Jack: "You're fight with your dad?"

Hiccup nodded and rocked back and forth a little, not sure what to say next.

Jack: "Look, it'll be fine. I'm not very good at saying encouraging things, but... it'll be okay." Jack got down from his staff.

Rapunzel yawned as she walked down the stairs. "Morning guys!"

Jack: "Hey!"

Hiccup: "Hi."

Jack: "Merida still not up yet."

Rapunzel: "You kidding!? She's up there snoring up a storm. I couldn't stand it anymore."

Merida: "I'm... up..." She said, slowly coming down the stairs.

Hiccup: "Okay. Anyone hungry?"

Rapunzel: "What's for breakfast?" She asked cautiously.

Hiccup: "Don't worry. You won't want to miss it."

Rapunzel, Jack, and eventually Merida followed Hiccup to the dining hall.

Rapunzel: "What is that smell?"

Jack: "Yeah, it actually smells good."

Rapunzel elbowed Jack. "What?" He asked her quietly.

Hiccup showed them to the food and sat down. Merida sat next to him.

Jack sat down across from Hiccup with Rapunzel. 

Jack: "So, what's the plan for today?"

Hiccup: "We're going to work on-" He was cut off by the sound of snoring. He nudged Merida.

Merida shot up, "I'm awake!"

Jack snickered. 

Merida: "Shut it Jack! She threw a roll at him.

Hiccup: "As I was saying... we're going to work on technique. Aim, fire power, stealth, speed." He said using his fingers.

Jack: "Sounds like fun."

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