Chapter 4

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It's almost a whole week later and Scott has yet to hear an explanation of what happened last Saturday. The alpha is probably not going to get one any time soon, unless he asks for the thousandth time. Stiles has been avoiding Scott and that question all week, but there is no way in hell he's going to get away this time. Scott got a little potion from the Hale vault that make him show his true self. This is sure the perfect way to get answers.Stiles has been avoiding Scott because he doesn't want him to know something important, something I know. You want to find out what he is but yet again, spoilers. I can never give those.

My dear grandson, why is he so afraid of what he is? He needs to embrace his true self, and get past the death of his mother, aka my child. His resistance is the exact reason he is weak. All that studying on his homeworld, down the drain. He wouldn't need to breath fresh Hydrogen if he just opens up, let's himself free. I would help him, and allow his true form to bloom yet from experience with my other grandchildren, that's not wise. Maybe I can send in my favorite two grandchildren to edge him out of his shell. Yes, yes Haha! That will work!

Those two, and their mechanic friend are perfect for this job. Time to call up my old hubby to get my plan in action.


"Ben, you can't win." Gwen states, holding Diamonds Head with mana. Ben's alien form grumbles as he tries to get free. Gwen is currently in her full anodite form. He's tried Heatblast, Wildmutt, Cannonbolt, Wildvine, Stinkfly, Upchuck, Jetray, Fourarms, xlr8, and now Diamond head.

"Come on, dude. You've tried ten different aliens." Kevin shouts at his friend, laughing. Ben grumbles and times out and Gwen let's him down. Kevin can't contain his laughter. His girlfriend is a total bad ass and can kick Ben's ass left and right. The multi alien hero mutters various words of profanity and looks through his watch for something good to turn into.

"Ben, give it a rest. My full anodite form is too powerful for a lot of your alien." Gwen states the obvious, but Ben won't listen. It's like he turned back to his 10 year old self. Childish, reckless, and hardheaded.

"I wonder if I can beat her with ghostfreak!" Ben was about to slap down when all of a sudden his phone ring. He pauses his action and pulls out to see that it's his grandpa. The hero hits answer then holds it up while on speaker. "Hey grandpa, whatcha need?"

"Grandpa!" The anodite chirps. Gwen fads back into a human form and joins her cousin's side along with Kevin. It's been awhile since she has heard from her grandpa. It's about time she talk to him.

"What up, Mr. Tennyson?" Kevin asks.

"Hey kiddos. How's it going?" The plumber asks.

"Good, just been kicking Ben's butt all day." Gwen laugh, getting a grumble from Ben.

"Them new magic books I got you must be paying off." Max laughs. "Anyways, time to get to why I called. It's about your cousin, Stiles." The cousins cock their heads in confusion. Kevin is just overall confused as to who that even is.

"Who is Stiles?" Kevin questions with curiosity. He's met their crazy anodite cousin, Sunny, but no Stiles.

"He's our cousin from California. He lives in a town called Beacon Hills. We rarely see him due to his disconnection after his mom died. What is the matter with him?" Gwen explains then asks. Max sighs and takes a pause.

"Anodites that are born on their homeworld breath pure hydrogen. Later on in life they learn to draw mana to venture out and not need the air anymore, their body evolves beyond it." Max begins to explain. "He was born on the homeworld. He moved to Earth when he was five and continued to be taught the anodite ways by his mother, that was until...." He continues, croaking a bit. He can't help it. He misses his little girl. The two cousins know exactly what happened to Stiles' mother, and it was horrible.

"Until?" Kevin questions.

"Until she got sick..." Ben mutters.

"And died." Gwen finishes. "That doesn't explain what's we need to do."

"He never used mana or magic after that. He never learned to draw in energy to keep himself alive. Stiles constantly has to have hydrogen treatments and it's working... for now." The plumber informs the kids of Stiles' problem and gets hit with the sudden realization. A realization that none of them want to think of about a loved one.

"Are you saying that if he doesn't learn to draw in mana that he will have to leave Earth or worse?" Ben asks his grandfather, getting a 'mhmm' in return.

"Your grandmother has asked me to send you three to him and help save his life." Max says to the three teens. They all share a look and shrug.

"I'm in, Gwen?" Ben asks his cousin.

"Yep, Kevin?" The anodite asks her boyfriend.

"Hey, any family of yours is family of mine. If this kid need help we will-" Kevin is then cut off by Ben who just has to add a fact into the raven haired guys speech.

"Actually, he's older than us." Ben point out. Gwen slaps him on the back of the head, nearly making him drop his phone.

"Whatever, let's just help him." Gwen states.

"Alright, but make sure to to be stealthy, keep powers out of this as much as possible, and NO omnitrix Ben!" Grandpa Max has set the ground for them all and is sticking to if. If they break one rule they will be washing the RV as punishment. Beside, it's just a sweet, small town called Beacon Hills. Nothing bad could happen to cause the to use their abilities beside teaching Stiles.

"Okay, let's do this."

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