Chapter 15

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My smile can not subside due the sheer happiness from the deal I made. I promised Gwen that if she goes and deals with Rook then I would find Ben for her. Of course I told her to not tell them anything about my alien situation. That would be very contradictory to what I'm trying to achieve. If they can deal with Rook on their own, I can deal with Ben all on my own. All I need to do is tracks him using the tiny hot wheels car he gave me when we were seven. It will be hard with all of the magnetic bull crap of Beacon Hills, however, I believe if I take baby step, I will for sure find him within the hour. I am going to start from where I last saw him and that's exactly what I'm doing now.

"Alright, asshole. Where are you?" I hold the toy in my hand and close my eyes. My senses get a feel of his life force, making my eyes snap back open.

"Quaerere." I mutter. The item begins to float out of my hand and slowly head in one direction. I follow it into the woods, making sure to keep my focus or the spell will not work. I walk and walk for what seems like twenty minutes before I come across a nasty, open area. There is bullet holes in trees, roughed up dirt, and blood everywhere.

"What in the hell?" I mumble, breaking my connection. The object falls back in my hand and a rush of tiredness comes over me. I'm not going to focus on my sleepiness, but rather the mission at hand. This sight is forever going to linger in my brain, I can guarantee that.

I do the spell again and continue on in deeper into the woods. During my travel, I come across more signs of a struggle as well as more blood. I travel for about twenty minutes before I pop out of the wood to see a large building. It's as plan and grey as ever and everything about this building makes me feel icky inside. Due to me being out in the open, I stop my spell to advance to the facility. I can feel that Ben is inside there. This place reeks with his mana. Seems like I'm going to have to go inside to find that twat. Seriously, the things I do for family.

I pocket the toy as I approach the side of the facility. The only way for me to sneak in is a air duct that caught my eye the moment I popped out of the woods. It's size is just large enough for me to fit in, if I can get up there that is. Another thing to take into consideration is the possibility of traps and I have just the spell to disarm everything in the building so I can shimmy through the vent to find whom I'm searching for. This will take a bunch more on my energy, but I will push past it. I extend my hand and direct it towards the building. Next, as a magician would do, I state the magic words.

"Disarmos captionem." A wave of energy pulses out of my hand and brushes past the building. Following that, the facility glows pinkish purple and fades back to its normal hue. I fall to my knees and groan in pain. My mana is dangerously low. Using too much mana can kill an energy being. I need to get the hell up to finish this mission. How do I even overcome this pain? I'm in the middle of a parking lot and the forest is to distant for my lacking mana to reach.

"Don't you dare move you filth." An aggressive voice growls from behind my. I turn around to see three men with guns pointed down at me. My heart aches at the thought of what I'm going to have to do in this situation, but I have no other choice. I'm going to have to take a large portion of their life energy to supply myself. There is a good chance they could die from this, however, my cousin is in trouble. I care about him more than these goons. I'll try my best not to take too much, but I hate saying I can't make that a promise.


"Ahhh!" I scream out in pain as volts of electricity run through my body. These people have me tied up to a fence that his hooked up to an electric generator. To top this off,I am soaking wet, making the pain worse than it normally should. This group only needed ten minutes to figure out my weaknesses and five minutes to prepare a proper torturing tactic. They know I need my watch to transform and by strapping me here, I am unable to respond in a violent way. I also have a bandanna tied over my mouth to keep me from using any kind of voice commands. None of these guys are alien, so how do they know much about taking down the Blitzwolfer so easily? They were talking about hunting werewolves, but that of course has to mean they hunt that alien's kind, right?

Undercover Alien  -Ben Ten- (Teen Wolf) *Slow Updates*Where stories live. Discover now