Chapter 18

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I fly Ben all the way to Bellwood as quick as I possibly can. It's been a while since I've flown, and it's making me slower than I need to be. If I don't hurry and get him to the plumbers headquarters, I'm afraid that he might die.

"This is all my fûcking fault. If I wouldn't of been such an asshole to him and his group, we wouldn't be in this situation!" I take a deep breath and stare down my unconscious cousin that lies in my arms. Calm down, Stiles. Getting all worked up won't solve anything and it surely won't help him. Get Ben the help he needs, then you can beat yourself up over this.

As I fly into the main part of the city, people in the streets point up at me with curiosity. I take a closer look at the citizens to see something that makes me awe filled. There are aliens walking alongside humans and they aren't afraid of one another. Ben has really been making an impact with this planet. All of what I see wouldn't be possible without him. My gaze shifts from the civilians to Ben in an instant. The side of my lip curls up and I chuckle without humor. The annoying little kid that you use to know turned out to be biggest hero in the universe.

"You really have done a lot of good Benny Boy," I laugh then go back to focusing on getting him to the HQ. My soul is filled with joy when grandpa's shop comes into view. To keep from showing something is up with my grandpa's building, I silently chant something to turn us invisible for twenty seconds. As soon as I walk in and make it back past the green curtains, the spell wears off, showing us once more. I quickly rush to the restroom, stand in the right spot, and pull the lever that allows me access down into the plumber HQ. Once I pull it, the floor lights up with a green ring, and the hidden elevator starts taking us down. Level by level I become more anxious. I haven't been to this place since I was little. No one here is going to know me and everyone is going to think of me as a threat. Guess it's time to face the hoard.

The doors open up and not a single soul takes notice of me till I come running out of the elevator with Ben in my arms. That's when people start to freak out and point guns, but I didn't stop. "Hey! Stop right there!" Do they not see I can't stop? I haven't got time for these guys. "What the hell did you do to Ben?!" Wasn't me guy. It was hunters so get out of my business.

"Grandpa Max!" I scream out in search of my grandfather. That quickly catches every eye in the room. Time to make a little speech and quicken up my quest to find Max Tennyson. "Okay, I official have gotten the attention of everyone, so someone find me the man I'm looking for! Can you not see that it's important?!"

"What in blue blazes is going on?" I snap my head to see my grandpa walk in with some old fish looking dude, who I'm guessing is a Piscciss Volann. Both of them seem absolutely clueless about what's happening.

"An Anodite, carrying a..." The fish gets a closer glance at what I'm holding and widens his eyes. "Holy cannoli, that's Ben!"

"Ben!" Grandpa shouts. They both rush over to me and grandpa quickly takes Ben from my arms. He quickly becomes covered in blood like me and starts to tear up a bit. "Someone call the medical station and get them here with a stretcher! The rest of you, clear out the area!" The Plumber underlings rush to do as told, leaving only four people. Grandpa kneels down and places Ben on the floor so him and the fish guy can examine him. Both of the old men quickly begin to check various places on Ben. They aren't even minding me, so this is my best chance to sneak out. While they are preoccupied, I trot back to the elevator to leave. I only get to take three steps before grandpa catches me.

"Stiles Mieczyslaw Stilinski, don't you dare even think about running off," Grandpa Max growls. I turn back to him to see that both him and the fish guy are staring up at me.

Undercover Alien  -Ben Ten- (Teen Wolf) *Slow Updates*Where stories live. Discover now