Chapter 17

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"Don't you dare move you filth." An aggressive voice growls from behind my. I turn around to see three men with guns pointed down at me. Seems like my cousins are going to get their way after all. I have no choice but to steal these guys' mana. I just hope I don't kill them all in the process. I hate what I'm about to do to these guys but... Let's Play!

I begin to absorb mana from living things around me to get a start. It's easier to draw in more mana when you have a decent amount of strength. When I feel that I have a good head start with the energy, I turn to one of the three guys. They seem like they are about to shoot, so I have to act quick.

"What did we tell you?! Don't mo-" I stare up at the dude and smirk. His eyes widen when he notices the pink energy being pulled from his body. It takes three seconds before he gets tired and falls to the ground. "Ugh." That's the last thing he says before passing out. The two step back in fear, try their best to keep their composure when seeing I was not some normal supernatural creature. I stop for a moment and glance down at my Anodite hands. I feel like it's been forever since I've been my true self. All of the mana particles in my body are causing a relaxing sensation. I haven't felt this at peace in almost a decade. There was no more struggling to breath, no more pain, and no more discomfort. It's...nice.

"What in the dear lords name is that?" The second guy mutters to himself. It makes me break away from all of the happy thoughts. These two are seriously pissing me off. I don't have time to deal with these dudes. I need to find where they are keeping Ben.

"Where Is My Cousin!?" I scream at them. Shoot, I forgot that I have a slight British accent when I talk, and I sound nothing like my human self. It's every so slightly freaking me out, because my species technically have two voices that come out when you talk. There is one regular voice and an echoing voice. To an outsider, it's disturbing for the first time.

"We- we aren't telling y-you an-anything." The first guys stutters. I completely forgot that sometimes you have to kick these guys' asses to get the information.

"Fine then. Be that way." I shoot mana out at them and they try to run. Nice try, but no. I instantly wrap one guy up with mana, then I got the other guy by the leg.

"Oh shit." He whimpers as the mana climbs up his leg and wraps around his body like a blanket. They are now both trapped by mana, and I think it's time to make them hurt. All of these bàstards are going to pay for taking my cousin!

"Play time is over." I laugh maniacally. I pull my arms as far back as they go without breaking eye contact with the two hunters. Their pleads for me to stop are constantly this point, but they need to learn one little lesson. If you are willing to be apart of the supernatural world, you have to be willing to get your ass handed to you by it. "Nighty night."

"No wai-" I slam my hands together, making them both crash into one another, knocking each other out with the force of their own bodies. I release my mana from them, and it disappears into thin air. The unconscious men drop to the ground, causing me to smirk with my victory.

"And now your mana is mine." I take a medium sized  portion of mana from them to help with my rescue. Now that this fight is over, I can change back to my human form. I slow down my breathing and focus on reforming my human skin. After thirty seconds of it not working, I begin to panic. I can't do it. I don't understand why my skin is forming back. I know the technique, and I've reformed my human skin countless times. I don't see why this time is any different! Shit, dad's going to flip when he sees me like this. Every time mom and I practiced in our Anodite forms, dad would yell and worry about someone seeing us. Ugh, I don't have time for this! I need to save Ben! Remember that vent plan from earlier? Yeah, ball it up and throw that crap away, because I am definitely going in through the door. That way, no time is wasted of pointless action. I walk up to the door and just kick it in like it's nothing.

Undercover Alien  -Ben Ten- (Teen Wolf) *Slow Updates*Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora