Chapter 10

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Stiles POV

I take in a deep breath of air and collect myself. Just one time, Stiles. Draw in the mana this one time and make them leave. They will take all of their alien problems with them while also getting out of my supernatural life. It may seem crazy to say, however, I can say from personal experience that alien bull shit is worse than monster bull shit. There is many more reasons that I don't like to deal with my family's alien stuff. I deal with the supernatural stuff because Scott is like a brother to me. I know Ben and Gwen are my actual relatives, but their dads always kept them away from the alien stuff when they were younger. That means that they didn't come around me at a young age or a while after they started with the alien business. My uncles didn't want them to know they have alien blood, but they were fine with the fact their kids were hunting aliens with grandpa Max.

"Drawing in mana isn't something that's simple to do with a human disguise on." I sigh.

"Then strip the skin and draw in the life energy before I knock-" Kevin start. I finally have enough of his bullshit. I do a quick snap and his mouth is covered in a tape like substance. I wanted to smile, but I was to annoyed to bother. I am not dealing with his smart ass yapping any longer.

"If you don't understand how important this skin is to me, then don't input." I snap at him. My eyes glow a bright pinkish purple and energy forms on my hands. Gwen, Rook, and Ben step in between both of us again. They know that Kevin is going to attack and I say bring it. There is a long silence between all of all. It is tense and the air is thick once again. The cold wind rushes past tree which causes a howling effect. It's the only sound within a mile of this place. That was the case until a extremely loud wolf howl was heard. It catches the attention of everyone. That includes Deaton and Scott who are now rushing out of the vet's office.

Scott looks at me and slightly gasps. I immediately realize that I'm glowing like a Christmas tree. I calm down my mana and return to my normal state. It makes me feel awkward with him knowing about my alien side. I really hope he doesn't slip up and let the others know about all of the alien nonsense. I want to be the one to tell them on my own terms. I'm sure some of the pack know about aliens on Earth, but how would they all feel if they figured out that I was an alien? Surely they wouldn't freak, would they?

"What was that? A roar?" Ben asks in sheer confusion.

"That's unlike any roar I've ever heard." Deaton mutters with shock coating his mug. I have never seen him like this. I know that Deaton is an expert with the supernatural, but I don't think he's too familiar with aliens and their ways.

"Mhmh mhmh mhmh mhmhm." A muffled voice mumbles something unrecognizable, which makes me turn to see what it is. Turns out it's Kevin trying to get his two cents in. I groan, but snap my fingers to free him from the tape covering his mouth. "As I was trying to say, I've heard that roar before. It's the cry of a hurt or lost Loboan. It's probably one of those hostel ones the two beetle brains try to tell us about."

"I don't know. You said it yourself. That Loboan is either hurt or lost." Gwen says. She pinches the end of her chin and thinks long and hard about the situation. Kevin thinks for a second then realizes what my cousin means. Even I know what she's thinking. She's contemplating if someone or something is hurting the beast.

"You are thinking that there might be a Loboan in trouble?" Rook questions the Anodite.

"Whatever is going on we need to check it out." Ben informs the group. He fiddles with his watch and scrolls through different aliens. He gives a slight smirk and slams his hand down on the high tech device causing a blinding ray of light. Everyone shield their eyes from they ray of light. After I stop seeing dots I see an Aerophibian floating above all of us.

"Wow, so that's what you meant by him 'sort of' being an alien." Scott stairs at Ben in 'awe'.

"Jetray." Ben then takes off at high speeds and that's what triggers the action. Gwen and Kevin rush to their car and speed off after Ben in his alien form. It seems that all three forgot Rook. He is now standing there with a 'what the f*ck?' face as they sped off.

"I can't believe they left me!" Rook shouts, but instantly covers his mouth and closes his eyes. "My goodness. Forgive me for my foul mouth you all." The alien takes in a deep breath. His eyes snap back open then he looks to me. I can tell he is going to ask for a favor that I may or may not agree to. "Will you please take me to your cousins went?" He asks in the kindest tone I've ever heard anyone talk to me with. Damn, I know Rook's species is really well mannered but dang. How can you say no to that pleading face? I groan and let out a long sigh of defeat.

"Fine. Get in the Jeep." He smiles and jumps into the front seat before Scott can get to it first. I get in the driver seat and watch Scott's reaction through the rear view mirror. I can tell the werewolf wanted to complain or grown, but he went along with it. He climbs into the back seat with a puppy pout on his face. Scott needs some wolvesbane shoved up his sour wolf acting ass. Leave the bruiting to Derek and be happy that you even get to ride. I could leave him to walk or run his wolf ass all the way there. "I am only dropping you off. I am not getting evolved with alien crap." Rook smirks like a happy cat raccoon looking alien he is.

"That is most kind of you." Wow, he is too kind. It's kinda disturbing. He needs to let loose every one and a while. He needs to let a few conjunctions out of the bag and I need to start driving to the weird alien showdown to get this all over with.

As usual, I don't edit. Sorry guys if there is bad grammar :)

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