Chapter 7

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Stiles POV

A groan erodes from my lips. I know exactly what that green flash was and I don't like it one bit. How did he even find me here? I hide at the base of the door and peak out of the window to see it was truly who I thought it was.

"What was that flash?" Scott whispers, squatting next to me. I flop over and nearly jump out of my skin. He scared the shit out of me! Should have known he'd pop down next to me. I also should have know that he would have asked questions about my reaction. That's just another thing I ducked up with. Wow, I'm really screwing up lately. Especially with that accidental kiss that happened a couple of seconds ago.

"Jesus..." I utter, quickly pulling myself back together. "Don't do that to me, Scott." I mutter.

"Sorry." He mumbles back to me. I go back to stalking the guy on the other side of the door, waiting for him to come in. I form a mana ball in my hand and wait for Ben to enter. I told them to stay out of my life. I don't want anything to do with the alien side of my family. If I have to make him leave me alone, I will. I have a little spell up my sleeve that will for sure make him piss off. It's not going to harm him... I think. All it will do is duplicate me and show my Anodite form.

"Stiles!? Are you here!? I need to talk to you!" Ben shout to try and find me.

"Dude, that sounds like your cousin Ben." Scott points out. I roll my eyes.

"No, I though it sounded like my aunt Shelly." I snark back.

"Wow, no need to be hostel." He whispers, shaking his head. I feel bad for being mean to him, but I am not in the mood right now. I chant my spell and the mana takes off out under the door to Ben. My eyes glow a purplish pink, meaning I now had control of it. Time to play puppet master with a fake Anodite version of me. Here goes another thing Scott is going to question me on. That's totally what I need from him.

As I am grumbling, I lose my balance and fall face first into the door. My forehead hits the wood, which creates a loud knock.

"Ow!" I groan. I push myself back up and rub the sore spot. Scott snickers at my dismay, making me want to slap him.

"Stiles? Is that you?" The voice asks from outside. Shit.

Ben's Pov

"Stiles!? Are you here!? I need to talk to you!" I shout to try and find my cousin. As jet ray I could see his cloaked Jeep, meaning he is here somewhere. Is he seriously hiding from me? I know he doesn't want anything to do with the weird side of the family,but come on! I just want to talk with him, because I care about his health. As I look around a loud thump comes from the inside of the vet's office.

"Ow!" A familiar voice groan. I know that voice from anywhere. It's aged a bit, but I know the voice.

"Stiles? Is that you?" I ask out, walking to the door. I reach out to the handle and twist it. When I push in, there is a shout and a 'oof'. That means I must have made someone fall on their ass. Oh, my bad. When the door is fully a jar, I can see two figures inside the dark office. When my eyes adjust to the light a bit I am able to see my cousin and his best friend, Scott, look at me with a nervous grin.

"Hey, Ben." They both nervously chuckle in unison. I smirk and place both hands on my hips.

"Why do I have the feeling you two were hiding from me?" I ask with an angered expression. They share a glance with one another, unsure of what to say to me. I am 100% sure they were hiding for me, no doubt. Let's just see what they'll say.

"Well who do you think we were hiding from dip shit? The boogie man? Or maybe one of the leaves on the freaking trees?" My cousin snarks getting to his feet. I can't help but feel a slight pain in my chest with the toxicity that my cousin shows towards me. Wow, nice to see you too bro.

He offers Scott a hand and he happily excepts. Stiles pulls his best friend up from the floor then wipes some dirt off his back.

"Stiles, don't be a rotten piece of shit towards Ben. He's done nothing to you." Scott orders, thumping his friend on the ear. Stiles covers the ear with one hand and then thumps Scott back. Scott then proceeds to thump him once more, except this time he thumped his neck.

"Quit that!" Stiles shout, returning another blow. I stand back and cross my arms. This argument continues on for another two minutes before I decide to break it up. I march forward and stand in between the two Californians. I use all my strength and push them apart.

"Okay guys, that's enough! Geez, you're worse than Gwen and I!" I shot at the two. They finally stop resisting and step back. The best friends cross their arms and huff.

"That's over exaggerating a bit." Stiles comments.

"Yeah, you and Gwen are worse." Scott snickers, making Stiles snicker. I take in a deep breath, placing my hands on my hips. I've been here five minutes and these two already make me want to jump off of a skyscraper. Who knew it only took an Anodite and a human to make you want to die?

I go to snort back at them, but the humming sound of a ship crosses over head. All three of us stop what we're doing and look up to see a giant alien spacecraft hovering above us. I would say it's at at least a mile wide and is a classic representation of what a human would think a space ship would look like. Stiles and Scott turn white, while I show a look of anger towards the craft.

"Why now..."

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