Chapter 12

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I fly over the town in search of what made that noise. I search far and wide with Kevin and Gwen close behind. I thought it was a lost cause until I noticed something strange. It was a group of Loboans running at super speeds after something. I fly ahead to scout out what they are after. My eyes widen when seeing a human looking man running down a side street with a baby Loboan in his arms. The man wasn't alone, there are two other figures running next to him but they for sure look alien. Neither one look like any alien I've seen before. It's time to break up this little shit festival.

I quickly dive down and knock down the the guy holding the pup. The baby flies out of the man's hands and I was lucky enough to just barely catch him... or is it a her? Either way, It's safe now. He looks really angers about me taking his bounty. It's not like I care though.

"Give us back the mutt! You don't understand what you're doing!" One of the three growl. The whole trio pulls out plasma shooters and tries to blast me out of the sky. I dodge and weave to avoid the energy blast while holding the pup. I'm glad my comrades pull up just in time to help deal with focus fire.

"You guys deal with these three. I'll bring the baby back to the other ." I tell them, then dart off to give the baby back to that pack. I'm sure that group is friendly. What's the worst that can happen?

I zip down to the wolf pack and transform back into my human self.  I hold the baby out to to them with a smile and a open heart.

"Here you go." I chirp. One of them grab the baby and then push me down on the ground. I brush off my hazed feeling then glare up at them with an anger glare. "Hey!"

"Thank you for putting the prince right back into our hands." All of them reach up to their faces and rip off cloaking masks. Every single one of them soon turn into Incurseans.

"You guys!? I though we put you guys in the gutter a long time ago?!" I scream as I launch myself to my feet. All of them pull out their laser weapons and open fire at us.

"Guess you guys aren't up for chit-chatting so let's get into the ass kicking." I glance down at my watch and scroll through a couple of aliens. When I finally see the one I want. Bring on the Rath! I slam my hand down and my body begins to shift into an alien.

"Big Chill!" I make my body intangible as well as invisible to the group of frog legs to quickly complain about how the watch never does as planned. "I can't deal with you some times." I groan as I look down at the device on my chest. Guess this alien will have to-

Honk Honk!

I look up then nearly crap myself when Stiles' Jeep goes through my phased body and slams into the army of frogs. A couple lasers hit the vehicle doing minor damage but- OH MY GOD, THE BABY!

"SHIT!" I shout as I turn solid again. Three people hop out of the vehicle and look at me.

"That S word indeed! You left me!" I run over to the group of groaning Incurseans in search of the baby. I whip my head left and right in search of the little toddler. My body goes cold and stiff. Actually it's already like that as Big Chill, but you get the gist. I'm freaking out.

"Where is the baby!?" I shout as loud as this alien allows me to. Wow, Big Chill is way too calm about even being panicked. It only making me sound creepy. That might explain why they are all looking at me with fearful confusion. Note to self: This alien is too Chill to be mad.

"Baby? Do you mean this little guy?" My cousin questions. He holds up his hands like he's holding something out to me. I wanted to slap him, but what happened next stopped me. There was a flash of purple and the baby was suddenly in his hands. The little wolf was giggling and bouncing as happy as can be.

"Yes..." I slap my chest and shift back into a human. "Thank, but I had this handled." He hands the baby over to me and chuckles. That little-

"Yeah, sure you did. Come on Scott, we have a test to study for. As for you Ben, How about next time you go on a mission or go investigate a sound you don't forget your partner." He walks to his Jeep and Scott glares at his friend with a disapproving glare.

"Stiles." Scott says. He turns and looks at his friend. "Stop being such a smart ass. They have been trying to help you. Like you did when I..." He pauses for a moment to not mention whatever he was going to say. It makes me curious what he could be too secretive to say to someone that has been keeping secrets like crazy his whole like. "... Please just talk to them." Stiles' face goes soft for a second, but he instantly hardens his shell back up.

"Do you want a ride home or not, Scott?" Stiles quizzes as heartless as possible. His friend scoffs and throws his hands up in defeat. Oh no, they are about to fight. Rook and I glance at one another and take a step back to let them go at it.

"Stiles!" Scott holds a hand above his head and growls. What the funk? That was such a weird growl. It sounded way too much like a wolf for my liking. "I have had it up to here with your crappy attitude! You always act like nothing is wrong, but I know there is something wrong!" At that point Kevin and Gwen shows up and stands next to Rook and I.

"Well those guys aren't getting up anytime soon." Kevin chirps with a grin. He then looks down at the knocked out Incurseans. "I guess they aren't either." He add with amazement that I did this all on my own. Wow, what a pal.

"What are those two up to?" Gwen queries while pointing at the two Cali boys fight. I pawn the baby off on her and shrug. We all look over at the scene to watch this even unfold.

"You know what, Scott..." Stiles slams "There sure as hell something wrong with me! Let me see here. I have lived my whole like in fear of  some bounty hunter! I've lived my whole life away from my actual home world! I've had to visit Deaton since I was a kid to keep me alive on this planet! Then suddenly, after all of this has happened and I have a decent grip on life, my alien cousins show up wanting to help a few year too late! I am perfectly fine with the way I live no matter if it's hurting me!" My cousin shouts at his best friend. Gwen and I glare at our family member with shock at his words.

"I get that Stiles, however, if you have an achievable way of making your life better, why not make it that way!?" Scott shouts back. Stiles looks down at the ground to avoid all forms of eye contact. My relative climbs in his Jeep and drives off without saying another word.

"Wow, how could he just leave his partner like that?" I ask, shaking my head. Rook glares at me with some sort of bitch face. I tilt my head in confusion and look back at him.

"The same way you left me." He hisses. Rook storms off into the woods, leaving all of us absolutely appalled. Oh no, that's right! I did exactly what Stiles did! I want to go after him, but Kevin's grip on my arm stops me.

"Let him blow off some steam, man. You really pissed him off." My friend entails. Great, now I feel bad. Why do I have to be so stupid sometimes?

"Damn it, I screwed up." I sigh. I run my hand through my hair then cross my arms across my chest. My anxiety is a little high, but it's nothing I can't handle. It hurts me way too much to hurt Rook's feeling. How did I forget him? He's been my right hand man a little over a year now.

"You sure did." Gwen sasses.

"I think both of you did." Kevin inputs while pointing at the Scott guy and I.  My cousin's best friend groans and begins to walk off down the street. "Where the hell are you going?" Scott keep going on and on. There is not even a slight pause in his trot.

"At least let us give you a ride to your house." Gwen insists. Nothing.

"What a town full of dîcks. I'm leaving." Kevin growls. He turns on his heels and grumbles. Gwen sighs and follows right behind him.

"Watch you language around this baby, Kevin." Gwen comments as they walk off. We may have defeated the Incurseans, however, things have gone down hill in the family and friends department. One, I pissed off my cousin by trying to force him into doing something he didn't way to do and two, I made my partner angry after I forgot him for a mission. I need to make this all right. I need to apologize to both Stiles and Rook while upholding my promise to grandma and grandpa. Even if I didn't listen to the ' no powers' rule. My relative needs to heal. I want him to heal, but I need to find a way to make him think it was his own idea. I have a plan, but it will have to wait. All I need to do right now is find my partner to make things right again

Undercover Alien  -Ben Ten- (Teen Wolf) *Slow Updates*Where stories live. Discover now