Chapter 11

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Rook's POV

"Stiles, will you tell me more about what's going on? Why did you glow purple? Why was that doctor after you back at the hospital?" Scott asks his friend. I am guessing that this guy is new to the alien game. I envy him, because there is so much to different aliens. I am unsure if a human could comprehend all of the different beings. I also can't comprehend why I would give up the front seat half way down the road so the human could have it. I am over six foot tall and there is hardly leg room back here! Why me!?

"The doctor was an alien, shape shifting bounty hunter named Trace. The guy's been after me since I was young, so has another unknown group he's hired. Anodite's are hard to kill and are practically immortal due to the life energy they take in or produce. That means if you have one, you for sure have a money source. All he cares for is money which means he had no remorse killing all those people at the hospital." He explains to Scott and possibly me. That is quite sad to hear. Living your life in fear of becoming a gold mine for a twisted man.  An Anodite could be used for creating energy fuel, anti aging formulas, or creating various other illegal items. I hate what I am about to say, but it is the law.

"Excuse me Mr. Stilinski, but I am now obligated to tell you that if there is a galactic bounty hunter illegally hunting in the proximity the Plumbers are required by universal law to investigate and take the culprit in. Also, with you saying that the hunter has killed innocent people the situation will rank to a Class B situation." I reach for my badge and tone in for Magister Tennyson. Stiles slams on break and glares back at me with a truly angry mug.

"Rook, don't you dare." He hisses. Wow, he is aggressive. How is he related to Ben and Gwen?

"I am sorry." The badge dings meaning that the call has gone through.

"Yes Rook? What's the problem?" Magister Tennyson questions. Stiles glares at me as if he was giving me one last chance. I am so sorry Stiles, but it must be done. This is for your own safety.

"There is has been a Class B galactic bounty hunter after your grandson since his young days. He might be lurking around Beacon Hills in disguise, courtesy of his shape shifting ability." I explain to the old man. Stiles slams his hand on the steering wheel and proceeds to yell at me.

"I F*CKING ASKED YOU NOT TO TELL! WHY DID YOU NOT- " Scott slaps a hand over mouth of Stiles and grumbles at the shrieking of his friend. Scott shakes his head and pulls the head of Stiles to where his face is jammed against the chest of Scott. Stiles tries to squirm to get free, but Scott wraps an arm around his body to keep him still.

"Thanks for telling me this Rook. I'm going to get some men over there and scope the area." The badge dings again, meaning the connection is no more.

Scott's POV

Stiles calms down so I let go of him. That only resulted in Stiles climbing to the back and grabbing Rook by the throat. I gasp and hop out of the car to open the door to the back. Why is Stiles acting so aggressive! I know he would get p!ssed from time to time, but he's being as mean as the time he was the nogitsune!

"You son of a b!tch! I asked you not to tell my grandpa!" He growls. I open the back door and grab my best friend. I pull him off of Rook who looks completely dazed and shocked that Stiles just did that. Trust me alien dude, I am just as shocked as you. My anger increases against my friend and I snap around to look at Stiles who looks to be in a daze. He falls back and lays there against the pavement of the road. Stiles begins to groan in agony, meaning I either threw him too hard or something is really wrong.

"Stiles!" I run over to his side to see that when I threw him, a nail on the road lodged into his side. It wasn't a large nail, but it was a decent size. Stiles pulls out the nail and the wound begins to bleed and glow a purplish pink color. Which a quick flash the hole and oozing blood disappears without a trace. Wow, that was even color to watch the second time.

"I'm fine. " He huffs. Stiles reaches up and I grab a hold of his hand. I pull him to his feet . "I don't know what came over me. I'm sorry Rook." The alien's eyes stay wide and he gives a quick thumbs up. I thought he was a galactic police officer. Why should this of all things bother him? Maybe it's because the people he is related to.

"It is quite okay. We need to hurry to aid Ben, Gwen and Kevin before something bad happens." The cat alien thing replies.

"Sure. Let's go." Stiles states and we both rush to get back in the Jeep.

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