Chapter 6

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And after hours had passed, waiting and hoping that the beast would let me out of the galley. I fell under the dark wings of sleep, tired from the exhaustion of my tears.

I dreamt of nothing and everything but mostly I dreamt of... him. I dreamt of his voice, the shining crystal green eyes, and then of his face, as he stepped into the light. I wasn't afraid though his face was still horrifying, perhaps because I knew this was a dream but still there wasn't anger or hatred in his eyes. In his eyes I saw his desperation for hope, his longing to be himself; I heard his voice plead with me, to touch him, to trust him. I woke up. Me trusting him I'm going mad. What with this captain patronizing me. I have to escape, it is almost a full moon.

I don't understand why he hasn't asked me about the Perla. Though I have tried to have a decent conversation with his ugly annoying pirate face. He shuts me out and we end up both insulting each other. Now I'm stuck in the galley. It's better than seeing his stupid pirate face anyway. But I have to escape I only have a little time left. Tears flowed down my eyes I miss the water of the ocean on my scales.

"Hey I went to your quarters," Tortuga says walking by the rim to the wheel where Chat Noir stared off the sea.

"It's rude to go lurking in my room Nino," Chat Noir chuckles.

"Chat..." Tortuga's tone ordered.

"Yea I needed a break from fish sitting miss smart mouth," Chat Noir chuckled.

"Where ye put her?" Tortuga hesitated in asking since he knew the answer.

"In the galley." Chat Noir smirked.

"When are you getting her to talk?" Tortuga tried to move on from where Chat put Marinette.

"You know after the family reunion.  Need to get something, since we're here at the port," Chat Noir pointed out.

"Land ho, seaport up ahead," Max yelled from the crow nest.

"What ye need to steal from them?" Tortuga asked Chat Noir knowing he was not going to like this answer.

"The book of the Perla."

"Wait up General Hawkmoth and captain Felix have it?" Tortuga started to freak out.

"Yes... But I hid it so nope." Chat Noir chuckled.

Tortuga was not amused, "You're going to kill us one of these days."

"Have I ever let you down?" Tortuga nodded in a no, "see we get the book I hid then search the greatest treasure of the sea, then, of course, your favorite part... Fiji!"

"So we are dead... Where did ye hide it?"

Chat Noir chuckled a bit madly knowing that Tortuga is not going to like the answer.

Timelapse to the night
Everyone on the Kwami ship set off to find the book only leaving Max behind to take care of the mermaid. Marinette thought of it as a perfect way to escape however the moon was rising as she was getting wea with no strength to accomplish it. Chat Noir had forbidden her from getting any water till he came back. Leaving her to be open to the forbidden curse.

Kim and Ivan slipped in through an unlocked door. 

"Well," Tortuga whispered. "Where would it be hidden? This place is huge."

"Should we stick together or split up?" Kim asked.

"We should stay together; it'd be easier and quicker than having to look for each other again if we find anything," Ivan suggested.

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