He won't give up...

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*Lizzie's mums POV*
'Put your phone away, we're eating!' I tutted at Lizzie as she sighed and put her phone down, and it rang out.
'Its from... y'know. What do I do?' I told her to ignore it and she did, turned her phone off and started to eat. But I could see she wanted to be anywhere rather than here, so I asked if she wanted to go to Emily's. I was shocked when she said no! Had they fallen out...?
*Lizzie's POV*
My mum asked if I wanted to go to Emily's. Ha! Why would I want to hang out with her? This whole time she was his SISTER, but she never told me!
Anyway, he keeps on and on calling me, and each time I shove my phone under a pillow or whatever is near me. A month ago I'd have been swooning, running around, panicking, but now I just want him to leave me alone. I'm not sure why everything has changed. It's just weird. It's like... nothing has changed. But everything has. I don't watch his vids anymore. I watch Stampy or AmyLee, or a new YouTuber I've just discovered - LDShadowLady. She has pink hair, big blue eyes, not really like me at all but we have the same NAME! Yeah I'm so sad that is enough to get me excited. Basically though it is 2 weeks til Eurogamer!! I will go by myself, and I will meet LDShadowLady and SmallishBeans, and Stampy (although I'll have to avoid Squid) and Amy if she's going.
Oh my god! I just accidentally dropped my iPhone because it started ringing REALLY LOUDLY! It was Guess Who. I thought about it and then... I pressed Answer...
A/N - so, leaving y'all on a cliffhanger. When I say y'all. The one person who reads this *waves to Sam* I am typing this while sitting in my big bro's room, next to my weird fat cat (bet y'all thought I was gonna say weird fat bro then 😜) and watching my bro playing MC!
So, it really is my dream to go to Eurogamer and meet Stampy, Squid Lizzie (that's LDShadowLady) and Joel (SmallishBeans) and Amy - although I'm not sure if she goes?! Sadly I'm only 15 so can't go yet. Oh well. When I'm old enough I will!!
Continue to check out mah YouTube channel, idChazza Lovin! Thanks y'all!
I have a thing about saying y'all suddenly!
Farewell mah Luvlies...

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