The Little Blind Girl

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Squiddoodl_y - woken at 7 this morning by @Lizzie_CWestwood... zzzz...
Lizzie's POV
I woke early (at about 7ish?) and jumped out of bed waking Squid up. 'Wake up wake up wake up wake up wake UP!' I squealed, I may be a young adult but I am young at heart...
So I jump in the shower - today I choose the vanilla cream shampoo and conditioner and the coconut cream shower gel - get out and dry myself. I wear black skinnies and a PewDiePie top - I'm not a MASSIVE fan but Becca bought me it yesterday and it's cool!
I also wear my halo socks - they're comfy alright?!?! - and run through. I think about waiting but then think - nahhh. So I text everyone saying I'm off and to meet at the Starbucks across the road at noon. I run over and that's when I see her. A little girl, with red hair and grey eyes. Her eyes are unfocused - is she blind? She has a big black lab running around her, yapping and playing. I bite my lip - if she is blind, she shouldn't be playing near a busy road. I shake my head, there's probably a responsible adult watching her. It's ok.
I continue to Eurogamer, have a great time, although I forgot to take money out, so couldn't shop - but the whole time my mind is overridden with the little girl. I can't help feeling something bad's going to happen.
I walk outside - and my heart stops. If I'd come out a second later... urgh. It doesn't bear thinking about.
As I walk out, life seems to go in slow motion. The little girl trips over her dog and falls backwards into the road as a lorry drives fast down the lane. He brakes but I know he'll never stop in time.
I didn't really think about what I did next. All I knew is I'd rather do this then stare as little girl jam spatters all over the road. I fling myself into the road, grabbing the little girl, pushing her too the pavement. I crawl after her, trying to ignore the drumming pain in my ankle where the lorry skidded into me. I hug the sobbing girl, hold her until a passer-by calls an ambulance, and it's when I reach the ambulance and I'm sitting down that I pass out...
OMG! So emotional! Hope you enjoyed! Warning - the next chapter is in a hospital so if you have a thing about hospitals don't read it!!
Comment if you gasped!
Farewell ma Luvlies...

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