Eurogamer Pt 2 - Hannah

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*Lizzie's POV*
It was absolutely BOILING! I felt like I was gonna melt in the sun so I raced down to topshop where there was a summer sale - I grabbed some high waisted shorts and a tie die halter neck top.
I went to the tills to buy them and the cashier was a young blonde Irish girl. She looked reasonably nice, and if I wasn't mistaken that was a Gotta Love It t-shirt under her topshop pinny thing
I smiled and handed my stuff over. She looked up and gasped; 'hey! Aren't you idChazza Lovin from YouTube?' I grinned and told her I was. She was amazing, we got a few photos and exchanged phone numbers. As I was about to leave she shyly asked 'can you subscribe to me? My YouTube name is IWANTCOOKIE - all one word and in caps. I do minecraft vids...?' I told her I will sub to her, also ask her what her twitter is. She told me and I updated -
Lizzie_CWestwood - Bring on the summer! Thanks to the beautiful cashier gurl, @Hannah4Eva
I also added a pic of me and Hannah and a pic of my new shorts - Emily would be proud of me!
Then I changed quickly, ran out and saw Squid, Emily and Stampy sitting on the stairs on their phones. I swallowed my nerves, wondered whether to act shy, formal, or friendly. I decided friendly, and walked up and hugged Emily, grinned at Squid and Stampy. Emily looked happy - 'so I'm forgiven?' I smiled nervously
'To be fair there's nothing to be forgiven for. I over-reacted. You don't hate me?' She laughed, hugged me again, and giggled; 'I could never hate you. And by the way - I LOVE your shorts. I can tell you're learning from the best...!' I raised my eyebrows 'what, topshop? Yeah, I guess...' Emily smiled, and grabbed Stampy's arm
'Lets go! Those 2 can...' she raised her eyebrows 'mingle...'
*Short Stampy's POV*
Oh. So those 2 are... oh. Shame... what am I on about! I have a girlfriend, le beautiful Melanie! (A/N - yeah I know they broke up but she was cool so I'm bringing her back in). But... she wasn't as... I don't know. WHAT am I DOING? I'm perfectly happy with Mel! Aren't I...
*Lizzie's POV*
So... this isn't awkward at all. I could feel him staring at me. I I was the confident, happy, carefree girl I am in my vlogs, I could just grab him and ask him out. I'm sure we feel mutually about each other. I've slowly fallen in love with this guy, and I'm sure he feels the same. But the thing is, I need him to ask ME! If y'know what I mean...
A/N - so. A bit longer. Shout out to theQuadricorn, she suggested Hannah, the cashier. I just thought it was such a sweet idea!! Farewell mah Luvlies...

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